Hi Red Pill!
Do you have a bounty thread?
Bounty thread is being developed right now. We should have the bounty thread up within the next 24 - 48 or less.
When you will come to exchanges?
The coin will be on exchanges shortly after the ICO closes
Are you tokens checked on security?
Extensive security checks have been perfomed, with the utmost care.
Hi devs.
Nice idea.
Your project looks seriously.
Thank You
Thanks, the bounty thread will be up soon.
In which country your company legally registered?
We are legally registered in the United States
Why your token will be growth in price?
There is a significant demand for our coins. Many content creators and bloggers are being shut out of ad revenue and fan funding as a result of new policies from YouTube, Google Adsense, Patreon and PayPal.
Please watch this video which illustrates why there will be demand and growth for this coin -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Gcaxyyk9QIWill you be the new bitcoin?
We aren't competing directly with Bitcoin, instead we are focusing on a specific segment of the market, which helps fans to fund creators on a decentralized platform.
Our upcoming chrome extension is being tailored for easy use with any online or social media platform that content creators use, which includes YouTuber's, bloggers and other online entertainers/content creators. Rather than trying to be Bitcoin, we are going to be Red Pill and empower creators/fans.