Hi Guys, I am in need of some help, I have an Electrum Cash Wallet with just 0.6 BCH in it, I am looking to sell my BCH so went ahead and tried to send to Poloniex only to receive this message here:
http://prntscr.com/h95up2 - I just cannot get round it.
Here is what I have tried:
1.Tried changing server and tried majority of them, all of which give same message, one of the servers claimed it was sent but I think it was just a dodgy server as nothing worked.
2.Updated Electrum Wallet and received same message.
3.Tried sending using different fees max and lowest and also sending different quantities of BCH to multiple addresses no luck. This was the BCH I received from the hard folk some time ago.
Please can someone assist me I will reward $75 (Or equivalent to) to whoever fixes this issue as its really bugging me now haha! I have skype if need be!
I have searched around online and found that others are experiencing the same issue as myself however the fixes presented on those threads did NOT seem to work for me.
I would greatly appreciate any help / advice given
Thanks guys and much love.