I'm not even sure you CAN load the recovered .dat file into Bitcoin Core... Pywallet is quite old... and doesn't really work with newer wallet files... so I doubt that the wallet files that it generates will work with newer versions unless you upgrade the wallet file, or run Bitcoin Core in the legacy "non-HD" mode.
First, make several copies of the recovered wallet .dat, to save you having to run the pywallet --recover again if anything goes wrong.
- Then make sure that Bitcoin Core is not running
- Then put one copy of the recovered wallet .dat into the Bitcoin Core Data Directory and rename it "wallet.dat"
- Start Bitcoin Core with the -upgradewallet command
If that doesn't work... try starting Bitcoin Core with -usehd=0 command
If both of those fail, then you're going to have to try and extract the private keys from the recovered wallet dat and import them into a wallet manually.
To achieve that, your best option is to probably to use the pywallet "dumpwallet" command... with the recovered_wallet_1511377727.dat file... and just dump the whole thing out to a text file. If you give it the wallet passphrase that you selected when you did the "recovery", it will also include the private keys
To check that the command is working OK and pywallet can dump the wallet:
pywallet.py --dumpwallet --wallet=C:\Users\Catherine\Downloads\pywallet\recovered_wallet_1511377727.dat
To dump the wallet out to a text file, with private keys encrypted (so you can check the addresses):
pywallet.py --dumpwallet --wallet=C:\Users\Catherine\Downloads\pywallet\recovered_wallet_1511377727.dat > C:\Users\Catherine\Downloads\pywallet\walletDump-NoKeys.txt
At this point, you should find a "walletDump-NoKeys.txt" file in "C:\Users\Catherine\Dowloads\pywallet" that you can open with a text editor... you should be able to see all the addresses that have been "recovered". I would suggest searching through these to see if you can find addresses that hold coins (input the addresses on a block explorer like
To dump out the wallet INCLUDING your private keys to the screen ONLY:
pywallet.py --dumpwallet --wallet=C:\Users\Catherine\Downloads\pywallet\recovered_wallet_1511377727.dat --passphrase="YOUR-PASS-PHRASE"
To dump out the wallet INCLUDING your private keys to a text file:
pywallet.py --dumpwallet --wallet=C:\Users\Catherine\Downloads\pywallet\recovered_wallet_1511377727.dat --passphrase="YOUR-PASS-PHRASE" > C:\Users\Catherine\Dowloads\pywallet\walletDump-withKeys.txt
You should find a "walletDump-withKeys.txt" in the "C:\Users\Catherine\Dowloads\pywallet" that you can open with a text editor... all your "recovered" addresses and private keys should be visible... the private keys are the ones labelled "sec".
Import the private keys, that match the addresses that have coins, into the wallet of your choice.