isn't it just as easy to save the webpage to your desktop, sign offline, and then print via non wireless connection?
Best practise states that creation of private keys are done on a computer that has never and will never, see any network during its life as a Keymaker. This also goes for the printer used to print out the keys.
This is correct.
If you want to be "safe" you can get a cheap or old laptop, remove any wifi cards from it or network functionality (as in remove the actual wifi card).
Wipe the hard drive or put in a fresh one.
You have a few options to either download and install an offline program like bitaddress (via a usb stick) , or run a program like bitaddress off a new or clean usb stick.
Find and buy a laser printer with no network functionality, meaning no wifi, no network cable, - usb only. (wasn't as easy as you'd think with all of todays wireless crap built in , out there)
Connect your non networked laser printer via usb to your "air gapped" laptop (no network connections to the internet or otherwise)
Run the program of your choice, and send the output to your laser printer.
Now you have generated an offline paper wallet which you can laminate if you wish or store safely as cold storage.
If anyone finds that paper, which will in most circumstances have the private key on it, which is usually next to the QR code and public key, they can simply use it to claim the funds.
So keep this in a secure place you wouldn't want anyone to find.
There are many other ways to accomplish the end result , this is simply one of them.
I hope that may help someone looking to set something like this up in a secure manner.