- WTF Is TagIt.Site about?:
TagIt.Site Is a photo editing contest & requesting site.
At TagIt.Site you will be able to earn TagIt (IT) by submitting Edited pictures.
All users who submit edited photo's (of real attempt) will be rewarded TagIt, Bitcoin & Other prizes.
The user who submits the best photo edit will be given a pre-determined prize amount.
Prizes may include item's such phones, cameras, video cards etc.
Each photo editing contest will be for open for submissions for a pre-determined time.
Once the Submission Period a new option will appear to view all submitted edits.
Each user will be able to vote 3 times per contest on different submissions.
Submission with the largest amount of votes wins & awarded prize.
Users will also be able to submit photo's for Logo's, banners or just a cool picture.
Specific editing requests also available for user submitted photo's.
Pricing for User submission's for photo editing contests to be determined at a later date.
Along with photo editing contests, tutorials will also be provided to help those interested.
Contests outside of photo editing will be added.
- TagIt(IT):
TagIt will serve as the primary payment method for TagIt.Site.
TagIt will be given as a reward/bounty/prize for submissions.
TagIt will also be accepted for payments.
More info to come.
TagIt.site is new so please be patient as it grows and streamlines.
TagIt (IT) ANN can be found at