Kubra Dam (OP)
November 13, 2017, 08:43:11 PM Last edit: May 13, 2018, 07:01:47 PM by Kubra Dam |
When you want to send a private message, please send it to moodledidoodledi, thanks! WELCOME TO ICONIQ LAB BOUNTY PROGRAM Iconiq Lab is an Initial Coin Offer and Token Launch accelerator program. We source, fund, develop and accelerate the best crypto, blockchain and tokenizable startups to their own ICO or Token Sale. We help launch tokens supported by real-world, sustainable business solutions.
The bounty campaign is running until the end of the ICO and the bounties will be paid out after the ICO!
If you want to participate in the Iconiq Lab bounty campaign, it is a requirement to Sign up via this form. If the form is not completed correctly, no bounties will be paid out to you. Iconiq Lab has the right to individually not pay out bounties for any given reasons. Please note that every bounty request is subject to investigation whether your content / blog post /article / comment is of good quality, meaning that spam or “shit posts” won’t apply for any bounties. The following bounties are available:Social Media Bounties
- Retweeting iconiq Lab Tweets with less than 200 followers: ~1$ (1 token)
- Retweeting iconiq Lab Tweets with more than 200 followers: ~2$ (2 token)
- Liking the Iconiq Lab page on Facebook: ~1$ (1 token)
- Share Iconiq Lab’s Facebook posts: ~1$ (1 token)
- nviting friends to our telegram group (https://t.me/iconiqlabchat) who stay at least until the end of our ICO: 5 tokens for each friend (if we sense an abuse iconiq lab has the right to deny payout to individuals)
- Changing the last name in telegram to iconiqlab.com: 5 tokens
-posting about Iconiqlab on our subreddit (https://www.reddit.com/user/ICONIQLAB): 3 Tokens Sign Up Here to Be an ICONIQ Bounty Hunter!Click Here to View Your Bounty Participation Status!
Content Bounties (including posts on medium, etc.)
You need to provide us a link to your content within 24h after posting in order to apply for this. Like this we can ensure that we can promote your generated content if we chose to do so. Email the link to: bounty@iconiqlab.com
- Generate a 300+ word article for Iconiq Lab: ~100$ (100 token)
- Generate a more than 30s long video about Iconiq Lab: ~250$ (250 token)
- Blogpost: ~50$ (50 token)
Sign Up Here to Be an ICONIQ Bounty Hunter!Click Here to View Your Bounty Participation Status!
Meet-up Bounties
- Invite Iconiq Lab to a meet-up crypto/blockchain meet-up of 50+ people: ~200$ (200 token)
- Invite Iconiq Lab to a meet-up crypto/blockchain meet-up of 100+ people: ~400$ (400 token)
- Present on behalf of Iconiq Lab at a crypto/blockchain meet-up of 100+ people: ~500$ (500 token)
Sign Up Here to Be an ICONIQ Bounty Hunter!Click Here to View Your Bounty Participation Status!
Conference Bounties
- Have Iconiq Lab present at a conference of 50+ People: ~2000$ (2000 token)
- Have Iconiq Lab present at a conference of 250+ People: ~3000$ (3000 token)
- Present on behalf of Iconiq Lab at a conference of 100+ people: ~2500$ (2500 token)
Sign Up Here to Be an ICONIQ Bounty Hunter!Click Here to View Your Bounty Participation Status!
Headhunter Bounties
- Recommend a startup which is accepted to the Program: ~1000$ (1000 token)
- Recommend a startup which passes initial due diligence and has a follow-up call with Iconiq Lab: ~50$ (50 token)
Sign Up Here to Be an ICONIQ Bounty Hunter!Click Here to View Your Bounty Participation Status!
Signature Bounties In this campaign, you place our signature code into your profile and wear our avatar so that you earn weekly tokens. At the end, you'll be rewarded with the tokens you collected during the campaign. Rules- Wear the avatar, and the signature which is suitable for your rank. Also place the personal text.
- Weekly posts will be counted until Sunday 23:59 forum time.
- Only Member and above can join signature campaign.
- Participants are expected to make minimum 10 constructive posts per week to be eligible for weekly stakes.
- Valid sections: Altcoin Discussion, Speculation (Altcoins), Bitcoin Discussion, Economics, Speculation, Trading Discussion. Off-topic posts are not counted. Posts in any bounty thread will not be counted.
- Participants are expected to make minimum 75 characters long posts, to be eligible for weekly stakes.
- Multiple and cheater accounts are not allowed in the campaign. If found so, we'll remove them from the campaign.
- Participants with red trust cannot join the signature campaign.
- Participans cannot leave the campaign before it ends. If you leave, you lose your previous stakes.
Rates- Member : ($100/week)
- Full member : ($200/week)
- Senior : ($400/week)
- Hero and Legendary : ($450/week)
Avatar Link: http://i68.tinypic.com/r272hl.jpg Personal Text: Acceleration. Blockchained. To join the signature campaign, simply fill the form below and send an e-mail to bounty@iconiqlab.com
Your Bitcointalk Nick: Your Bitcointalk Profile Link: Your Bitcointalk Rank: Your Starting Post Number: Your ETH Address:Click Here to View Your Bounty Participation Status!SIGNATURE CODES MEMBER [center][url=https://iconiqlab.com/]●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [font=century gothic][b][u]I C O N I Q L A B[/u][/b] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ●▬▬▬ A C C E L E R A T I O N. B L O C K C H A I N E D.[/font] ▬▬▬●[/url] [url=https://twitter.com/iconiqlab]●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⬢ TWITTER[/url] [url=https://t.me/joinchat/CHi8Nk6wZmEVGa4Mpp7JKA]⬢ TELEGRAM[/url] [url=https://iconiqlab.com/]⬢ WEBSITE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●[/url][/center]
FULL MEMBER [center][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][color=#2E3E59]●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [font=century gothic][b][u]I C O [color=gray]N I Q[/color] L A B[/u][/b] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● ●▬▬▬ [color=gray]A C C E L E R A T I O N. B L O C K C H A I N E D.[/color][/font] ▬▬▬●[/color][/url] [url=https://twitter.com/iconiqlab][color=#2E3E59]●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [color=gray]⬢[/color] TWITTER[/color][/url] [url=https://t.me/joinchat/CHi8Nk6wZmEVGa4Mpp7JKA][color=#2E3E59][color=gray]⬢[/color] TELEGRAM[/color][/url] [url=https://iconiqlab.com/][color=#2E3E59][color=gray]⬢[/color] WEBSITE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●[/color][/url][/center]
SR. MEMBER V1  [center][table][tr][td][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][size=18pt][font=STXihei]I C O[color=gray] N I Q [/color]L A B[/font][/size][/url] [size=3px]‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾[/size] [size=6pt][font=century gothic][b][color=gray] A C C E L E R A T I O N. B L O C K C H A I N E D.[/color][/b][/font][/size][/td] [td][tt][size=2pt][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][color=#2E3E59] ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄███████████▄▄ ▄▄███████████████████▄▄ ▄▄███████████████████████████▄▄ ██████████████ ██████████████ ██ ██████████ ██████████ ██ ███ █████ ███ ███ █████ ███ ███ ███▀ ▄█████ █████▄ ▀███ ███ ███ ███ ███████ ███████ ███ ███ ▀▀█ ███ ███████ ███████ ███ █▀▀ ▀▀█ ███████ ███████ █▀▀ ▀▀█████ █████▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀[/color][/url][/size][/tt][/td][td] [/td] [td][tt][size=2pt][color=#2E3E59] [color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███████[/color][/size][/tt][/td][td] [/td] [td][center][url=https://iconiqlab.com][font=ebrima][color=gray][b]Innitial Coin Accelerator[/b][/color][/font] [size=15pt][font=century gothic][b][color=#2E3E59]TOKEN SALE IS LIVE[/color][/b][/font][/size][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td] [td][tt][size=2pt][color=#2E3E59] [color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███████[/color][/size][/tt][/td][td] [/td] [td][center][size=2pt][tt][url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ZIopC2q00TIBFsqiZX6ruMbVdpal8yzmY_kY6WhML7o/viewform?edit_requested=true] [color=#2E3E59] ████████ ██████ ▄████████▄ ▄████ ▄▄▄████▄ ██████▄▄▄ ██████ ▀█████▄▄▄▄█████▀ ▀▀████████▀▀[/color][/url][/tt][/size] [table][tr][td][url=https://twitter.com/iconiqlab][size=6pt][b][color=#2E3E59]TWITTER[/color][/b][/size][/url][/td][/tr][/table][/center][/td][td] [/td] [td][center][table][tr][td][url=https://t.me/joinchat/CHi8Nk6wZmEVGa4Mpp7JKA][size=2px][tt] [color=#2E3E59] ▄▄██▄ ▄▄█▀▀ ██ ▄▄█▀▀ █▌ ▄▄█▀▀ ▄▀ ██ ▄▄▄█▀▀ ▄█▀ ▐█ ██ ▄██▀ █▌ ▀▀██▄███▀ ██ ██▀▀█▄▄▄ █▌ █▄ ██▀▀▀█▄██ █▄█▀[/color][/tt][/size][/url][/td][/tr][/table][/center] [url=https://t.me/joinchat/CHi8Nk6wZmEVGa4Mpp7JKA][size=6pt][b][color=#2E3E59]TELEGRAM[/color][/b][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td] [td][center][size=18pt][font=courier new][b][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][color=#2E3E59]www[/color][/url][/b][/font][/size] [table][tr][td][url=https://iconiqlab.com][size=6pt][b][color=#2E3E59]WEBSITE[/color][/b][/size][/url][/td][/tr][/table][/center][/td] [/tr][/table][/center]
SR. MEMBER V2  [center][table][tr][td][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][size=18pt][font=STXihei]I C O[color=gray] N I Q [/color]L A B[/font][/size][/url] [size=3px]‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾[/size] [size=6pt][font=century gothic][b][color=gray] A C C E L E R A T I O N. B L O C K C H A I N E D.[/color][/b][/font][/size][/td] [td][tt][size=2pt][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][color=#2E3E59] ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄███████████▄▄ ▄▄███████████████████▄▄ ▄▄███████████████████████████▄▄ ██████████████ ██████████████ ██ ██████████ ██████████ ██ ███ █████ ███ ███ █████ ███ ███ ███▀ ▄█████ █████▄ ▀███ ███ ███ ███ ███████ ███████ ███ ███ ▀▀█ ███ ███████ ███████ ███ █▀▀ ▀▀█ ███████ ███████ █▀▀ ▀▀█████ █████▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀[/color][/url][/size][/tt][/td][td] [/td] [td][size=2pt][tt][color=#2E3E59]
███ █ █ ███ █ ▄█▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █[/color][/tt][/size][/td] [td][right][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][size=10pt][font=ebrima][i][color=gray][b]TOKEN SALE IS LIVE[/b][/color][/i][/font][/size] [size=15pt][font=ebrima][color=#2E3E59][b]Initial Coin Offer Accelerator[/b][/color][/font][/size][/url][/right][/td][td] [/td] [td][size=2pt][tt][color=#2E3E59] ███ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █[/color][/tt][/size][/td][td] [/td] [td][color=#2E3E59][size=8pt][font=ebrima][url=https://t.me/joinchat/CHi8Nk6wZmEVGa4Mpp7JKA][color=gray]⬢[/color] TELEGRAM [/url][url=https://www.facebook.com/iconiqlab/][color=gray]⬢[/color] FACEBOOK [/url][url=https://www.linkedin.com/company/iconiqlab][color=gray]⬢[/color] LINKED IN[/url][/font][/size][/color][/td][td] [/td] [td][color=#2E3E59][size=8pt][font=ebrima][url=https://www.reddit.com/r/iconiqlab/][color=gray]⬢[/color] REDDIT [/url][url=https://twitter.com/iconiqlab][color=gray]⬢[/color] TWITTER [/url][url=https://medium.com/@iconiqlab][color=gray]⬢[/color] MEDIUM[/url][/font][/size][/color][/td][td] [/td] [td][size=2pt][tt][color=#2E3E59]
███ █ ███ █ ▀█▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █[/color][/tt][/size][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
HERO/LEGENDARY V1  [center][table][tr][td][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][size=18pt][font=STXihei]I C O[color=gray] N I Q [/color]L A B[/font][/size][/url] [size=3px]‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾[/size] [size=6pt][font=century gothic][b][color=gray] A C C E L E R A T I O N. B L O C K C H A I N E D.[/color][/b][/font][/size][/td] [td][tt][size=2pt][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][color=#2E3E59] ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄███████████▄▄ ▄▄███████████████████▄▄ ▄▄███████████████████████████▄▄ ██████████████ ██████████████ ██ ██████████ ██████████ ██ ███ █████ ███ ███ █████ ███ ███ ███▀ ▄█████ █████▄ ▀███ ███ ███ ███ ███████ ███████ ███ ███ ▀▀█ ███ ███████ ███████ ███ █▀▀ ▀▀█ ███████ ███████ █▀▀ ▀▀█████ █████▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀[/color][/url][/size][/tt][/td][td] [/td] [td][size=2pt][tt][color=#2E3E59]
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███ █ ███ █ ▀█▄ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █[/color][/tt][/size][/td][/tr][/table][/center]
HERO/LEGENDARY V2  [center][table][tr][td][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][size=18pt][font=STXihei]I C O[color=gray] N I Q [/color]L A B[/font][/size][/url] [size=3px]‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾[/size] [size=6pt][font=century gothic][b][color=gray] A C C E L E R A T I O N. B L O C K C H A I N E D.[/color][/b][/font][/size][/td] [td][tt][size=2pt][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][color=#2E3E59] ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄███████████▄▄ ▄▄███████████████████▄▄ ▄▄███████████████████████████▄▄ ██████████████ ██████████████ ██ ██████████ ██████████ ██ ███ █████ ███ ███ █████ ███ ███ ███▀ ▄█████ █████▄ ▀███ ███ ███ ███ ███████ ███████ ███ ███ ▀▀█ ███ ███████ ███████ ███ █▀▀ ▀▀█ ███████ ███████ █▀▀ ▀▀█████ █████▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀[/color][/url][/size][/tt][/td][td] [/td] [td][tt][size=2pt][color=#2E3E59] [color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███████[/color][/size][/tt][/td][td] [/td] [td][center][url=https://iconiqlab.com][font=ebrima][color=#fff][glow=gray,2,300][b]TOKEN SALE IS LIVE NOW[/b][/glow][/color][/font] [size=15pt][font=century gothic][b][color=#fff][glow=#2E3E59,2,300] Initial Coin Offer Accelerator [/glow][/color][/b][/font][/size][/url][/center][/td][td] [/td] [td][tt][size=2pt][color=#2E3E59] [color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███[color=gray]███████[/color] ███████[/color][/size][/tt][/td][td] [/td] [td][center][size=2pt][tt][url=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ZIopC2q00TIBFsqiZX6ruMbVdpal8yzmY_kY6WhML7o/viewform?edit_requested=true] [color=#2E3E59] ████████ ██████ ▄████████▄ ▄████ ▄▄▄████▄ ██████▄▄▄ ██████ ▀█████▄▄▄▄█████▀ ▀▀████████▀▀[/color][/url][/tt][/size] [tr][url=https://www.reddit.com/r/iconiqlab/][size=6pt][glow=#2E3E59,2,300][b][color=#fff]REDDIT[/color][/b][/glow][/size][/url][/tr][/center][/td][td] [/td] [td][center][tr][url=https://t.me/joinchat/CHi8Nk6wZmEVGa4Mpp7JKA][size=2px][tt] [color=#2E3E59] ▄▄██▄ ▄▄█▀▀ ██ ▄▄█▀▀ █▌ ▄▄█▀▀ ▄▀ ██ ▄▄▄█▀▀ ▄█▀ ▐█ ██ ▄██▀ █▌ ▀▀██▄███▀ ██ ██▀▀█▄▄▄ █▌ █▄ ██▀▀▀█▄██ █▄█▀[/color][/tt][/size][/url][/tr][/center] [url=https://t.me/joinchat/CHi8Nk6wZmEVGa4Mpp7JKA][size=6pt][glow=#2E3E59,2,300][b][color=#fff]TELEGRAM[/color][/b][/glow][/size][/url][/td][td] [/td] [td][center][size=18pt][font=courier new][b][url=https://iconiqlab.com/][color=#2E3E59]www[/color][/url][/b][/font][/size] [tr][url=https://iconiqlab.com][size=6pt][glow=#2E3E59,2,300][b][color=#fff]WEBSITE[/color][/b][/glow][/size][/url][/tr][/center][/td] [/tr][/table][/center]
Caution: Final token price will be subject to volatility! Thereby, we do not guarantee the final fiat price of the token! The total token amount available is 1.6 Million token. If this cap is reached in confirmed bounties that have to be paid out, the bounty campaign ends.
In order to receive the bounties, you must send proof that you fulfilled the necessary promotion task to the following Email address (in case of social media bounties this includes proof that you own the account): bounty@iconiqlab.com (You can send multiple proofs in one Email). After we checked everything your bounty will be noted in the Bounty Database.
The bounty campaign is running until the end of the ICO and the bounties will be paid out after the ICO!For all of the actions above please collect proof (eg a screenshot/link) and send them to bounty@iconiqlab.com before the end of the main sale (may be done in badges; for getting friends into the telegram group it makes our work easier if you send the proof quickly). Please note that you will first have to sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ZIopC2q00TIBFsqiZX6ruMbVdpal8yzmY_kY6WhML7o/editWhen you want to send a private message, please send it to moodledidoodledi, thanks!
November 13, 2017, 08:45:37 PM |
Do you have anything for translations?

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
November 13, 2017, 08:56:32 PM |
Do you have anything for translations?
Currently we are not looking into having translations as we want everything just to be in English. But of course make sure to grab some of the other bounties!

Activity: 152
Merit: 10
“Everyone Is A Bank”
November 13, 2017, 09:02:00 PM |
Haha really!? Was working out my options for an article, going through your website and whitepaper because i liked the bounty theme. Deleted my comment? What's that about? Talked yourself out of a decent piece of promotion.

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
November 13, 2017, 09:15:07 PM Last edit: November 13, 2017, 09:31:09 PM by moodledidoodledi |
Haha really!? Was working out my options for an article, going through your website and whitepaper because i liked the bounty theme. Deleted my comment? What's that about? Talked yourself out of a decent piece of promotion.
I didn't delete anything, if so, by accident. I know that you commented "I like it" under the post and I wondered myself where it went. I honestly don't know if it was me, if yes, 100% by accident. Where would be my intent in deleting positive responses? Please let me know if there eis anything I could do to talk you back into the nice chunk of promotion. Update: I just realised that I cannot even delete anything that I didn't post myself.
November 13, 2017, 09:21:51 PM |
Don't take it personally but your bounty thread looks better then your ANN.
Do we need any reports on social media campaign? If no, then how you are going to count twitter? As the tweets disappear after 1k?
I don't see the allocation for bunties. Are you going to pay fully untill the end of ICO? And if there will be too much people tweeting? As you are not using stakes system but tokens directly.
I had a bad expirience with ICO paying in tokens, when they become like "Oh, we don't have more tokens to pay. We are sorry". So this is big concerns for future. Please clarify

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
November 13, 2017, 09:29:27 PM |
Don't take it personally but your bounty thread looks better then your ANN.
Do we need any reports on social media campaign? If no, then how you are going to count twitter? As the tweets disappear after 1k?
I don't see the allocation for bunties. Are you going to pay fully untill the end of ICO? And if there will be too much people tweeting? As you are not using stakes system but tokens directly.
Oh, I don't take it personal, I know that I absolutely no skills when it comes to posting on BTT. Thats why I outsourced it. Concerning twitter: You can just do screenshots and send them to the bounty email in Low Quality as proof. There are a total of 1.6 Million tokens up for a grab in the bounty campaign! We decided to pay directly and not via a stake pool, because we want the people to know right away what they will receive. As stated on the sign-up form, the bounty campaign runs until the end of the main Token Sale OR until 1.6 million token are granted (no matter where. can be 100% as retweets). It will be immediately announced when this limit is reached (we are currently far away from it, so I don't see any problems just now).
November 13, 2017, 10:54:17 PM |
Is there any cap for max tweets per person/day for retweeting? What you mean to send proof that you own the account to your email? Did i get it right that we need to send screenshots to bounty email? How often should we do it or just once in the end of bounty? Sorry for so many questions and thanks.

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
November 13, 2017, 11:21:42 PM |
Is there any cap for max tweets per person/day for retweeting? What you mean to send proof that you own the account to your email? Did i get it right that we need to send screenshots to bounty email? How often should we do it or just once in the end of bounty? Sorry for so many questions and thanks.
1. No cap, just limited that the post have to be newer than the Token Sale announcement (and the announcement itself included) 2. We want to ensure that we distribute the bounties to the people who actually fulfilled the bounty tasks. Therefore we need you signed up on the google form and screenshots of you being logged in to your social media account with which you do retweeting/sharing (obviously you can edit out any more information that is not needed in order to see that this account belongs to you). Like this we ensure that we reward the right people. After that you may send screenshots of the retweet/shared posts or simply the URLs to these posts in an email to claim the bounties. 3. You can send proof in batches, whenever you want with as much bounty infos in each email as you want. For example you can retweet/share, blog etc. until the end of the ICO, keep track of all your activities yourself in a document with URLs etc. and send this whole document via Email in the end. or you just split it up in multiple emails, thats up to you. just note that for e.g a blogpost we want to get notified right away with the URL as we can then eventually reshare it ourselves. Hope that clarifies!
November 14, 2017, 07:01:34 AM |
Good afternoon. As the proof of a rabotynuzhna only screenshots or it is possible links to a post and reposts?

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
November 14, 2017, 04:28:33 PM |
Good afternoon. As the proof of a rabotynuzhna only screenshots or it is possible links to a post and reposts?
What exactly is "rabotynuzhna"? Links to the posts and reposts are fine, we just need a screenshot in begin that shows that you are in charge of the account that does the retweets/shares. Make sure to sign up for the campaign! 
Full Member
Activity: 616
Merit: 100
gik nyareh proyek seteppak pas sepak
November 14, 2017, 11:53:46 PM |
I have sent a twitter and facebook link to bounty@iconiqlab.comhow long the process so we can see the status of bounty participation because I will not do anything before my address is on the list ,,,,,

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
November 15, 2017, 11:57:09 AM |
I have sent a twitter and facebook link to bounty@iconiqlab.comhow long the process so we can see the status of bounty participation because I will not do anything before my address is on the list ,,,,, The moment you've sent proof you are basically ready to go. It is not a necessity to send it before you hunt bounties, it can come later, too. Make sure that you are signed up to our google form, too. You address will only appear in the spreadsheet when you are already granted token, as long as your balance is 0 it will not be there.
November 16, 2017, 04:33:14 AM |
Must the conference be an IT conference or other will count too? maybe salespeople conference will do too

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
November 17, 2017, 12:26:55 AM |
Must the conference be an IT conference or other will count too? maybe salespeople conference will do too
Must be a crypto conference for now!
Kubra Dam (OP)
November 20, 2017, 01:29:35 PM |
While Iconiq Lab’s sole focus is and will always be quality, we are constantly WOWed by the crazy ideas out there! WHAT IS THE CRAZIEST THING YOU CAN TOKENIZE?
Hop on to our Telegram Channel https://t.me/joinchat/GlaDQxJwHRGeLb9x6FeUdg for instructions on how to participate!

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
November 23, 2017, 01:07:34 PM |
One day left for entries on the contest! 500 Tokens are the prize for the winner!

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
November 24, 2017, 02:22:52 PM |
Huge News: FinLab AG - a publicly traded company, one of the first and largest company builders and investors focused on the Financial Services Technologies sector in Europe invests in Iconiq Lab!

Activity: 171
Merit: 53
December 07, 2017, 11:01:50 PM |
Yes, sorry, I have been sick and in hospital. Back now. if you are still not on the page, send me an email at bounty@iconiqlab.com!