If a currency is adopted by all merchants and there is deflation,the people will be motivated to spend more because all the price of goods and services will go down due to the deflation.The deflation doesn`t incentivise
saving money.Cryptocurrencies and bitcoin are completely different than fiat money.They aren`t accepted by all merchants and that`s why they are just digital "stocks" not currencies.
I don't believe this is correct. If the currency is deflationary, it means that in the future the price tag will be lower on goods and services (as you identify). So, why would I go buy a new bike today when I could save my money and buy it later for less?
Sure, some crypto's are used only as a store of value. Bitcoin's
current use case scenario seems to be best at this but it
will evolve. There are so many people working on scaling up the payment side and it was part of satoshi's original intended purpose. We shouldn't limit the platform to a store of value.
Deflation destroys economies by forcing currency holders NOT to spend their money. It is for this reason that the actual word cryptocurrency is a misnomer because it is not truly a currency at all. Most of all cash coming into bitcoin is only used as a store of value. If there is to be an actual cryptocurrency that breaks into the mainstream, it will have to be INFLATIONARY. This will cause people to use the technology as it was supposed to. This also has the benefit of keeping the price more stable instead of > 20% fluctuations on a daily basis.
Could you please detail why exactly it would need to be an inflationary coin that could break into the mainstream?