ViacoinCurrent price: $1.44
Totaly supply: 24 million
Market cap: $32,635,449
Here is why VIACOIN is the most undervalued cryptocurrency right now:
Lightning network
Atomic swaps
Ledger integration
M.A.S.T. (Merkelized Abstract Syntax Trees)
ATM integration (In the works)
Trezor Core integration (In the works)
24 second transaction time (25x faster than Bitcoin)
24 second block time (25x faster than Bitcoin)
0.0049342% daily inflation
2017 roadmap nearly complete
Amazing team gives frequent updates
Here is a direct quote from the lead developer, Romano, about Viacoin's future:
"The Viacoin team is very active and has several other developments in the works. On top of the aforementioned AS, we are working on performance improvements, additional wallets (especially mobile ones), a special GUI wallet for AS transactions, native and Ethereum-based smart contracts as well as our own 3rd asset trading, exchange and ICO issuance powered by a customized Colored-Coins protocol. We aim to live up to our tagline of Viacoin being "The future of crypto-currency"."
I'm sure that I missed some of it's great features as there are so many.
If you have any questions about $VIA, please ask below and I will answer them to the best of my capability.