Smart contract technology is very under-developed:
- all inputs/computations/outputs are viewable to everybody in public permissionless blockchains: most smart contracts are not being implemented/deployed because only a small subset tolerate such a privacy-less environment
- lack of formal verification has a tangible economic impact (e.g., Parity wallet bug and The DAO bug)
- governments can't codify their regulations (i.e., lawless blockchains)
We combine the latest research advances in secure multiparty computation and formal verification technologies to solve all these problems:
- Secure multiparty computation: fast protocols for high latency settings. Note that SGX alone is not enough because it's broken.
- Miners could compute pre-processing to speed-up secure multiparty computation.
- Formal verification of code: we enable new scenarios such as verifying smart contracts before their execution. An interesting use case could be checking that a smart contract enforces governmental regulations.
- Currently supported blockchains (off-chain execution): Ethereum & Hyperledger Fabric.
- Further operable from a desktop application for better end-to-end privacy and performance:
The Secure Spreadsheet.
We've been discreet for the past few years quietly developing our technology: there is software already available on the website ("
SECCOMP - The Secure Spreadsheet"). We don't believe in projects that promote their ICO without first shipping working software.
I'd be happy to answer your questions!
Private and Verifiable Smart Contracts (Research Paper):
Business Whitepaper:
Secure Computation on Spreadsheets (PCT):
Cryptographically Secure Financial Instruments (PCT):
An Optimal ICO Mechanism: (please note that an ICO is yet to be announced)
GitHub: us:
info@calctopia.comP.S. We ask for the community to join us in advancing the state of the art in secure computation.