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[AIR DROP WILL BE STARTED TODAY.]If you want to be participated in our project, Feel free to contact me.
any kind of partnership, marketing, Technical, translation, bounties opened.
***************************************************************** 1. General Introduction of Molik coin Molik coin is an open source, peer-to-peer, community driven decentralized cryptocurrency that allow people to store and invest their wealth in a non-government controlled currency, and even earn a substantial interest on investment.
Molik coin can be bought and sold both online and offline Jewerly store. However, the most popular way is to exchange them on crypto currency sites where you can buy, sell or exchange Molik coin for another digital currency or fiat money.
2. Air Drop Offering Molik Coin Specification Coin Algorithm Scrypt (PoW/PoS)
Coin Abbreviation : MOL
Maximum Coin Supply : 30,000,000
Coin base maturity : 20 blocks
Total PoW block : 10,000
PoW block reward : 50 MOL
Block Spacing : 64 seconds
Block timespan : 1 blocks
Transaction confirmations : 6 blocks
Minimum Stake Age : 2 Days
Maximum Stake Age : 7 Days
RPC Port : 26444
P2P Port : 26443
PoS percentage : 5% per year
Github : 4. Molik Coin Distribution Currencies used : Bitcoin
Total Air Drop : 3,000,000 (After Airdrop of premined 8,000,000 Molik coin, PoW/PoS algorithm will work to issue new coins to Molik coin miners and Molik coin holders.)
5. How are they used? The Molik coins are used by molik community members for molik services and to store and invest the wealth in a non-government controlled currency. The Molik coins will also be used as payment system on number of molik partner websites.
6. How are they produced? Molik coin uses a special algorithm called the POW/POS to secure the Molik Coin network. All you have to do to earn with this method is to hold coins in your Molikcoin-QT wallet. In addition to PoS minting, Molik coin can be mined with CPU/GPU and does not need an ASIC miner like Bitcoin does.
7. Download wallet a. Windows wallet : b. Linux wallet : Minning pool for MOLa.
www.findblocks.comd. Bounty for New Mining pool for Molik coin : 10,000 MOL
9. Explorera. (main)
b. d. Bounty for New Explorer for Molik coin : 10,000 MOL
10. Bountiesa. Signature Campaign Bounties
b. Translation Bounties
c. Marketing Campaign Bounties
d. Mining pool Bounties
e. Explorer Bounties
11. Linksa. Website : Community : Comming soon
c. Exchange : Comming soon
d. Telegram : 12. Guide a. Compiling
you can compile a daemon for Ubuntu 16.04 using the following instructions.
Update your Ubuntu machine.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Install the dependencies to compile from source code.
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev git libssl1.0.0-dbg
sudo apt-get install libdb-dev libdb++-dev libboost-all-dev libminiupnpc-dev libminiupnpc-dev libevent-dev libcrypto++-dev libgmp3-dev
Create a directory for the source code.
mkdir source_code
cd source_code
Download the source code from Molik Coin and upload it using SCP/Filezilla. (Only available to paid customers)
Extract the tar file using the following command.
tar -xzvf molikcoin-source.tar.gz
Go to the src directory of your source code.
cd src
Execute the following command to compile the daemon.
make -f makefile.unix RELEASE=1
The compiling will take about 30 minutes depending on your system.
Your compiled daemon named molikcoind can be found in the src folder when compiling is finished.
b. Mining
Open your wallet, and make sure you are connected to another wallet.
You are connected if you see the icon Wallet Connections in the lower right corner of your wallet.
The message "No block source available" will disappear once you mine your first block.
Close your wallet and create the file yourcoin.conf in the folder "%APPDATA%\molikcoin\".
Paste the following text into yourcoin.conf and save the file.
Download the latest version of cpuminer from here and extract the zip file.
Create a .bat file named mine.bat and paste the following text into mine.bat.
minerd --url= --userpass=rpc_user:8cde5e64e7297b1cb4c495d1a
Save the file inside the extracted cpuminer folder.
c. Staking
The following only applies for a scrypt PoW/PoS blockchain.
Open your wallet, and make sure you are connected to another wallet.
You are connected if you see the icon Wallet Connections in the lower right corner of your wallet.
Leave your wallet open and unlocked to stake.
Keep in mind that stake can only be generated when you have a balance in your wallet.
The following only applies if you encrypted your wallet.
You can unlock your wallet using the following instructions.
Go to Help.
Click Debug Window.
This is the console where you will execute all commands.
Type this command to start staking:
walletpassphrase REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PASSWORD 9999999 true
Replace the text "REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PASSWORD" with your password.
The number 9999999 is the amount of seconds you want to leave your wallet unlocked for staking.