As we already know that many people have said that for mining to be profitable,the electricity charges should be low.Just a small doubt about that.In January this year,the price of one bitcoin reached $1,000.Every one said the same answer that cheap electricity cost must be ensured to get profits from bitcoin mining.And now,after nine months,bitcoin price has reached almost $7,500 and still people continue to say that cheap electricity is needed for profits.Just a basic question,bitcoin price has almost increased 7 times than its previous price and i hope that electricity cost would have not increased and would continue to be the same.So,why not bitcoin mining would have turned now to be profitable with such a huge increase in bitcoin price?
Mining has always been profitable because there is no way people will continue to mine if there is not enough to at least cover the cost and the moment the cost can be covered even if its by $1 then its profitable but where the issue is in the area of greediness where someone who want to make a super normal profit as a result of his mining activities this alone would want a miner to move to another coin that would guarantee a higher return with the same amount of equipment commitment.
The higher the bitcoin price does not mean the miners will start making extra profit, because that would also mean higher costs to be incurred because currently the price is relatively high, transactions fees are high, people are forced to looked for alternative means of carrying out their transactions and at the same time volume of transaction will reduce which means revenue will drop for them.