This guy does some good but he also hurts users who are not trying to scam and he basically ruins accounts with no evidence. When are the moderators going to put this guy on a leash and tell him to tone it down? He is abusing his power and everyone knows it.
Get your facts straight before you post bullshit negative feedback.
This is a trust issue and a matter of default trust, not related to moderation or staff. This also isn't a court of law so there is no
innocence until proven guilty. If a stranger comes to my door or stops me in the street to ask for £10 to get a taxi home on the promise he will pay me it back I'm going to not give him it and assume he's a scammer. Maybe he just lost his wallet and would return the money at a later date, but he probably wouldn't so I'm more inclined to label him as a scammer. That's what vod has done here and I agree with him. You could be the most honest person in the world but we don't know that. If someone sends you money then there's no way to know whether anyone will ever see you again and that's why he's left the feedback. Seriously, just try to look at it from another's perspective. Would you give a random person on the internet your money? I doubt it.