November 02, 2013, 12:28:39 AM |
Lol just lol
walletrecoveryservices (OP)
November 06, 2013, 08:43:02 AM |
i was so going to jump on your service, till you mentioned that you cant get 15+ lettered passwords, its a shame, i blame hardware for that one, not you
i'll continue scouting all my HDDs for any random file with the password or mnemonic stored in it (im so good like that, texting up my password, leaving them laying around.. like keys to my cars left laying around in the pub)
Good luck searching for the password... and yes, 15 random characters is pretty safe at this point from any brute-force decryption! (unless you know the format or most of the letters) By the way, my service is busy busy busy. Especially in the last few weeks - I suppose the BTC price has something to do with it...!  Regards, Dave
Providing Cryptocurrency Wallet, Password and Seed Recovery Services since 2013
Bitcoin Scammer
November 07, 2013, 10:39:39 AM |
This is VERY interesting any updates?
DON'T GET SCAMMED, CHECK FIRST = Bitcoinscammers.com
walletrecoveryservices (OP)
November 07, 2013, 07:23:33 PM |
This is VERY interesting any updates?
Well, I have managed to solve 2 lost wallet passwords this week - returning the lost funds to their owners successfully  I also have multiple other decryption attempts on the go (for dozens of people) Cheers Dave
Providing Cryptocurrency Wallet, Password and Seed Recovery Services since 2013
Bitcoin Scammer
November 07, 2013, 09:43:11 PM |
When I first started with bitcoin I lost my password but saved the wallet.. (1st BTC learning experience) are you brute forcing these things because I may be able to dig up my old wallet..
DON'T GET SCAMMED, CHECK FIRST = Bitcoinscammers.com
walletrecoveryservices (OP)
November 08, 2013, 03:00:53 AM |
When I first started with bitcoin I lost my password but saved the wallet.. (1st BTC learning experience) are you brute forcing these things because I may be able to dig up my old wallet..
Yes, that is correct, I am brute-forcing them. However read up on walletrecoveryservices.com - where I spell out that a wallet encrypted with a totally unknown password is unlikely to every be decrypted. (unless you used a pretty weak password). Dave
Providing Cryptocurrency Wallet, Password and Seed Recovery Services since 2013
Bitcoin Scammer
November 08, 2013, 07:44:22 PM |
Is this a windows based program you are using?
DON'T GET SCAMMED, CHECK FIRST = Bitcoinscammers.com
Activity: 2772
Merit: 1019
November 09, 2013, 05:19:51 PM |
cool! Just found the reddit thread.
Care to publish the password, sflicht or walletrecoveryservices? People on reddit (me included) would like to know.
sflicht already published he thought it was: "John Brown, John Brown; apple mattress angst Yeti"
PGP key molecular F9B70769 fingerprint 9CDD C0D3 20F8 279F 6BE0 3F39 FC49 2362 F9B7 0769
walletrecoveryservices (OP)
November 09, 2013, 09:07:20 PM |
cool! Just found the reddit thread.
Care to publish the password, sflicht or walletrecoveryservices? People on reddit (me included) would like to know.
sflicht already published he thought it was: "John Brown, John Brown; apple mattress angst Yeti"
Hi The password was actually "John Brow, John Brow; apple mattress angst Yeti" which is almost embarrassingly easy, given the original remembered password  Dave
Providing Cryptocurrency Wallet, Password and Seed Recovery Services since 2013
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
November 09, 2013, 09:25:55 PM |
Goddamn it. Probably a wonky "n" key on my keyboard. (I have a System76 laptop which is based on a Clevo case. The build quality is good overall, but the chiclet style keyboard is total bullshit compared to my old ThinkPad.)
Activity: 2772
Merit: 1019
November 09, 2013, 09:43:45 PM |
cool! Just found the reddit thread.
Care to publish the password, sflicht or walletrecoveryservices? People on reddit (me included) would like to know.
sflicht already published he thought it was: "John Brown, John Brown; apple mattress angst Yeti"
Hi The password was actually "John Brow, John Brow; apple mattress angst Yeti" which is almost embarrassingly easy, given the original remembered password  Dave not sflichts brain fucked up, but his hardware. ironic. kudos for finding it. you probably had to spend many cycles on that. Omitting characters was probabily not a priority compared to capitalizations, replacing chars, swapping etc... right?
PGP key molecular F9B70769 fingerprint 9CDD C0D3 20F8 279F 6BE0 3F39 FC49 2362 F9B7 0769
November 19, 2013, 08:34:14 AM |
I see you are using Amazon cloud hashing for this, ever considered using GPUs or a farm of GPUs?
November 20, 2013, 04:46:46 AM |
David I sent you a wallet the other day. We had talked for a while before sending it. I sent it and have not heard back from you at all. I send a couple follow up emails just asking for confirmation. Whats going on? Just so you know who I am. I had the wallet we talked about being in a 7zip file. Please email me back when you have time.
Sr. Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
November 21, 2013, 08:36:01 AM |
I am sending you email with all details please check and send me reply is this recoverabel or no I lost password 2 months ago and sending 4 options for password also thanks
November 21, 2013, 02:36:30 PM |
Dave are you still alive?
Sr. Member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Bitcoin will survive
November 21, 2013, 05:33:17 PM |
Dave are you still alive?
I am sending him details about my account and want some of my coins back and hoping he would be alive until I have my coins back 
November 22, 2013, 04:47:36 PM |
Dave are you still alive?
I am sending him details about my account and want some of my coins back and hoping he would be alive until I have my coins back  He stopped replying to my emails as soon as I sent him the wallet file.. The coins are still there though.
Sr. Member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
November 22, 2013, 04:50:12 PM |
Dave are you still alive?
I am sending him details about my account and want some of my coins back and hoping he would be alive until I have my coins back  He stopped replying to my emails as soon as I sent him the wallet file.. The coins are still there though. I also send him my wallet details through email and received his email 13 hours ago wanting some file which I don't no how download need his help but not reply from him
walletrecoveryservices (OP)
November 30, 2013, 09:02:31 PM |
Hi guys. Yes, I'm still here, and still actively working to decrypt your wallets! My trouble is simply a time issue for me: 1) I have a normal (non-bitcoin) life, involving family, work, etc 2) I occasionally like to go to sleep before 2am, and get up after 6:00am 3) I have been contacted by a large number of people about helping them with their wallets. Some people just need assistance with mundane (non-password-related) issues. But most need their wallets decyrpted, which takes time. Everyone seems to have a different situation and story. 4) I'm actively working to improve my software (eg adding support for decryption of electrum, armory and multibit wallets), which is itself a 40+ hour/week job. So, I'm sorry if I haven't been responding to your emails when I should. I haven't even checked this forum thread for days  I am getting a part-time helper to start giving me a hand, so hopefully I can get on top of the backlog. I'm determined to make this service useful to the bitcoin/altcoin community, so please understand if things take a while while I scale up the 'people' side of walletrecoveryservices.com. Cheers Dave
Providing Cryptocurrency Wallet, Password and Seed Recovery Services since 2013