Call it:
Value of CCPB
1) CCPBs are mined using an inverse proof-of-stake protocol.
2) The value of CCPB is a recurrent transfer of crypto-currencies.
3) A buyer obtains an CCPB by paying a crypto-currency in regular installments in the exchange. The percent inflow of cypro-currency contributed determines the percent of newly outsanding CCPB earned.
4) The CCPB that is obtained from the exchange after these installments have completed can produce income to whomever obtains it.
5) Whomever obtains the CCPB can put the currency back into the exchange to earn a steady flow of crypto-currencies, proportional to the cypro-currencies going into the exchange and the percent stake of CCPB in the exchange.
6) Once is the CCPB is withdrawn, the exchange can reissue it, making it a CCPB outstanding.
7) Since CCPB represents income and not savings, it secures purchasing power. Every transaction would increase or decrease income, as opposed to increase or decrease savings.
8) Basically, to obtain an CCPB, one pays dividends to an exchange in the form of crypto-currencies, and by depositing an CCPB in a exchange, one can accrue dividends in the form of cyrpto-currencies. The fewer CCPB you have, the more likely you are to win CCPB.
The exchange itself does not keep much coins in its system. It simply takes in coins from people wanting CCPB and give coins who have deposited CCPB. So only the freshest currencies will pass through the system. Stale Cyrpto-Coin markets are swiftly purged by design.
CCPB would operate at a higher level then all other Cyrpto-Coins, as it would be the first Cyrpto-Coin whose value is Cyrpto-Coins per Block. Also, by having CCPB, you can practically own samples of all Cyrpto-Coins+BitCoin flowing through the exchange simultaneously. The largest market cap Cyrpto-Coins+BitCoins will take the majority of the value of Cyrpto-Coin flux that determines the value of a CCPB. Unlike a basket of Cyrpto-Coins, the portion of different Cyrpto-Coins in CCPB is very flexible and can totally be changed in a matter of a few blocks, in the case that a major Cyrpto-Coin is attacked. Therefore CCPB has the advantage of being valued by the best Cyrpto-Coin regardless of whatever Cyrpto-Coin is taken down.
Here are some other reasons why this is superior than other approaches:
Once you have obtained a CCPB, that does not mean that you have deposit it back into the exchange. For example, if the rate at which cyrpto-currencies going in decreases, people would react by not depositing their CCPB in the exchange. Now, some people would do this anyway, and the fewer people depositing their CCPB in the exchange means that those who do will have less competition vying for the same influx, so those who deposit their CCPB get more or less what they wanted. When the market for cyrpto-currencies goes back up, people will then put cyprto-currencies back into CCPB, encouraging more people to deposit their CCPBs. This reduces the volatility of the value of the CCPB even when the cypro-currencies going in can be highly volatile in value.