kuronokishi10 (OP)
November 17, 2017, 03:31:54 AM |
What are your views on this?
November 17, 2017, 06:02:28 AM |
You can sell a half and you can hold and half of it you can hold
Activity: 3486
Merit: 1945
November 17, 2017, 06:09:47 AM |
What are your views on this?
Buy, if you have extra money lying around somewhere. Others have already said this and i'll say it here as a reminder, it's never too late to buy bitcoins. An article on Coindesk yesterday mentioned the survey results that was carried out by lendedu. The people (bitcoin investors) they asked wanted to sell their bitcoin for $196k. Crazy price to look forward in the next few years.
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November 17, 2017, 06:14:01 AM |
What are your views on this?
Buy, if you have extra money lying around somewhere. Others have already said this and i'll say it here as a reminder, it's never too late to buy bitcoins. An article on Coindesk yesterday mentioned the survey results that was carried out by lendedu. The people (bitcoin investors) they asked wanted to sell their bitcoin for $196k. Crazy price to look forward in the next few years. Yes, even I am suggesting my friend to buy the Bitcoin when it dips in the market. Many experts have involved in this Bitcoin that's why the price of Bitcoin is soring in the market. The thing we have to do wait patiently when your turn comes.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1008
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November 17, 2017, 06:30:05 AM |
I will start selling my bitcoin if bitcoin will get well over $8000, have already set my buy orders at $8500 to $9000. I think price will atleast touch $9k within current surge before getting another round of correction.
Its quite hard to predict exact sell point/peak point but setting sell order at different price levels can save you from loss significant amount when price is swinging like crazy.
November 17, 2017, 06:36:55 AM |
What are your views on this?
Just hold your bitcoin little longer because there is a fork coming up so you will receive free coins for your bitcoin amount,and i hope the price will bump due to that fork so better keep it until the price reaches $ 10K may be it will reach at the end of december.
November 17, 2017, 06:37:59 AM |
For me personally, I do not sell my bitcoin. However I do take out money for pressing need from time to time from bitcoin. The price discovery of bitcoin is not going to stop anytime soon. So brace yourself for more bitcoin advancement!
November 17, 2017, 06:39:56 AM |
I would say wait until it is 10K, lol. But seriously, keep a good eye on the market, and whenever you see a decrease buy it. If you are gonna hold it for a couple of months at least, it does not really matter if it is too expensive now.
November 17, 2017, 06:53:42 AM |
What are your views on this?
For me I will sell some part of my bitcoin since at that point I must have gain more than double of my investment in bitcoin. Although, there is a tendency that bitcoin value may exceed $9000 before March next year and with that believe, I will still hold some of my coins and work heard to make more.
kuronokishi10 (OP)
November 17, 2017, 07:03:59 AM |
What are your views on this?
Buy, if you have extra money lying around somewhere. Others have already said this and i'll say it here as a reminder, it's never too late to buy bitcoins. An article on Coindesk yesterday mentioned the survey results that was carried out by lendedu. The people (bitcoin investors) they asked wanted to sell their bitcoin for $196k. Crazy price to look forward in the next few years. Omg 196k$ thats absolutely ridiculous, but who knows after all its bitcoin and miracles can happen anytime. I am planning to sell 25% and will buy twice that amount at the next dip around (7k)
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
November 17, 2017, 07:15:42 AM |
develop your own strategy do some research understand the market,which is heavy on speculation, research behaviour of markets, this isn't a game to trust anyone , it can spread like a disease. If everyone tells you to sell people will follow suit c and that if a strong enough following can manipulate the market. Look at what's going on, understand the basics of long and margin trading this is the only thing that will make you profitable trust your research trust your judgement don't make guesses,don't trust anyone do some research trust the facts.

Activity: 548
Merit: 12
November 17, 2017, 07:28:05 AM |
if i will not sell it and if have money i will buy or add bitcoin again. Better to buy than to sell it because the possibility of bitcoin will rise again, if you are not sure of your choice or you need money, you should sell half and the other better you save. should always monitor the increase or decrease in market prices.
November 17, 2017, 07:36:46 AM |
Hold, believe it or not bitcoin can still increase,unless you didn't want to take the risk and you believe its enough now to sell it since you earn already, but as ych as possiblehold and buy more when it drops.
November 17, 2017, 09:09:05 AM |
What are your views on this?
That entirely depends on your risk taking capability and your need of funds. If you need some urgent fund then I will suggest you to take out only what you need and keep the rest amount in your vault storage for future use. Bitcoin price at 8k USD is nothing, it's just the tip of the iceberg. We have already 3 announcements about bitcoin adoptions this month. CME group, Man Group and Square payment systems, so a lot depends on their business success. If they are successful in their bitcoin ventures, a lot of other companies will come up with huge funds to adopt bitcoin for their real-world business. If this happens, 8k USD is simply nothing. My suggestion would be HODL.
Aleister Crowley
November 17, 2017, 09:38:12 AM |
i think it's time to buy and hold., it would be better if we hold on altcoin ,, because i am sure that altcoin will be at pump in december .. because it's been too long for us to wait for altcoin pumped .. ETH and dogecoin is best option to do hold altcoin .. because during this time ETH and dogecoin just spin at a fixed price
November 17, 2017, 09:38:54 AM |
if you have some bitcoins, then i would definetely sell some, i am waiting for next week for dumping some of my coins, i really want to have some money on fiat, so i decided to dump some part of my bitcoins in order to be able to have some cash money. But yes, it is still a good time for buying bitcoins, i dont see anything wrong with just keep buying more, the price will always increase and there is nothing wrong with that. Just buy as much as you can, maybe one day you will wake up and bitcoin would be over $10k, who knows, a lot of things can happen with bitcoin.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 1406
November 17, 2017, 10:38:11 AM |
What are your views on this?
Really depends on your situation. If you needed money then you have no choice but to really dump your coins and exchange it to fiat. However, if you have no need for your bitcoin then just hodl on it. There's nothing more gratifying than seeing the price of bitcoin going up and your money growing. And if you are thinking of selling at a certain price, then just don't do a full dump on your coins but just sell some of it and buy in dips. Personally, I always sell my coins because I have a offline business and I uses my bitcoin earning for more additional cashflow. But I only sell at a premium price though. I'm not selling in dips and don't do panic selling as well.
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November 17, 2017, 10:49:45 AM |
if you can hold it for a months why not keeping it ? from our point of view Bitcoin will make another move or we could say it that Bitcoin already made its move. just look at it right now ? Bitcoin keep moving upward,what will happen if you sell it right now and then Bitcoin price hit $10.000 in the next day ? does that mean you're missing the train ? you're missing $2000 in a few day if you hold 1BTC. it would be better for you to hold it for a while because right now we're in the bullrun. at least until the end of this year we should see another movement. hold it and we will get the rewards, other than that i do not know,because it's too bad for you to sell it.
November 17, 2017, 10:50:12 AM |
What are your views on this?
If you have a lot of bitcoins, example 10 bitcoins you can sell half of it just for taking the profit and use that profit as your fund. Wait for a small dip and you have to monitor it all the time. Assuming that bitcoin went at $8,000 and you had sold 5 bitcoins, wait for it to become lower at $7,900 - $7,600 and do a short time trading. By doing this type of strategy, you have the profit and you have your 5 bitcoins back completely. And you can also do this with small bitcoin you hold, settle down the word risk upon doing this.
November 17, 2017, 11:08:18 AM |
sell... seLL... SELL... !!!  sell when it reaches $8000, I expect it to go down a bit after that and then buy back around $7300-$7500, or if it drops rapidly then buy at $6600-$6800 btw I usually predicted wrong... so do the other way if you believe I am wrong too this time