Yes. I received ETC on my second MEW wallet without txid.
How to sent first transaction with higher gas price if i have 0 etc in balance? shows your real balance.
Maybe you can try other wallets like jaxx or exodus first.
Or you can try to overwrite the fucked up transactions.
1.Go to myetherwallet and select "send offline" tab.
2. From Address: the address you are sending from.
3. Generate Information.
4. To Address: the same address as from address.
5. Send amount: set to 0 ETC .
6. Gas limit: 21000 .
7. Gas price: 20 Gwei should be sufficient. 20 Gwei = 20000000000 Wei.
8. Nonce: 0 .
9. Access wallet with private key.
10. Sign the transaction.
11. Send the transaction.
12. Either you will get some kind of error, or it will be successful.
13. Wait a few minutes.
14. Go to send offline tab again.
15. From Address: the address you are sending from.
16. Generate Information.
17. Did the nonce decrease this time? never mind this, I must be high or something.Now you can decrease the gas price to 5 Gwei = 5000000000 Wei.
13.Now you have three choices.
Either sending 0 ETC to yourself using
nonce = 1 , then repeat using
nonce = 2.
Next time you send a transaction to someone, remember to use nonce 1. And the transaction you send after that use nonce 2.
Wait for 2 transactions to be rejected by mempool(don't know how long it takes).
14. I suggest you send 0 ETC to yourself, with nonce 1, then nonce 2. So you clear up the stucked transactions.
15. Congratulations, all good now.
16. I recommend that you use at least 1 Gwei next time you send a transaction.