November 18, 2017, 01:37:36 PM |
Amazing!.. So many retarded people here and very easy to scam them, People are so hungry and full of greed and ignorant and that's why most of YOU are going to get scammed soon, trust me you will get scammed sir...
What do you expect from a human who believes this kind of titles " Just click here and win 1 BTC instantly" Just wow and yes its amazing.. Anyways i Do believe that stupid people should get scammed because simply they're bitches .. Why i call them bitches ? Because when you ask a bitch to do something she always listen to you and does whatever you wanted as well as the victim just ask him anything ANYTHING and he will be always happy to be your bitch...
Finally, If you're a bitch or you feel like a bitch and you want to be protected Simply - Don't send money to anyone - Don't invest - Dont buy from unknown stores - Don't CLICK ON ANY LINK THAT ASK YOU TO ENTER A PASSWORD - Don't use the same password for every website - Don't try to be so smart cause remember u are just a bitch. Also bitches and gays are the same. I'm done & Out.... God!.