The above message from you cannot get a loan for the amount you are asking. This is only an advice to ensure that you get the loan faster
As bitcoin is volatile, give a 100% or some high figure margin as collateral, i.e for 60k loan give 120k worth bitcoins.
Indicate whether interest will be in BTC or INR.
Indicate under what conditions can the collateral be passed on to the lender.
The above things are not new, if you go for any gold loan , this will be a similar process.
Rather than expecting the lender to ask these questions, if you give this beforehand. you will have a faster response.
bro if i had 120 worth of bitcoins do think i will need loan?? I have some reputation here and on some forums.
6,000.00 INR = 100.486 USD
6000x 10 BTC = 60000 if that's isn't enough i can give 11 BTC.
and bitcoin isn't going to crash instantly, I was in need of help that's why i offered same amount of collateral
anyways Thanks for reply.
Locking this thread now.
inrbtc helped me,and some of my other friends too.
No longer need this now.
Many Thanks to peoples who helped.