June 29, 2011, 05:42:04 PM Last edit: June 29, 2011, 07:59:56 PM by enmaku |
I've seen (and played in) so many variants of the classic "double trouble" pyramid-scheme game it's not even funny, 200% payouts, 150% payouts, 110% payouts. We're all aware that higher payout percentages result in a short game with few winners, while lower payout percentages result in a long game with many winners but I'd like to try an experiment. I want to see TOTAL CHAOS in a double trouble game. To that end I'm setting up an experimental game with three separate payment addresses: one for a 1.2x payout, one for a 1.5x payout and one for a 2x payout. All money sent to all three addresses goes to the same pot and payouts will be managed as normal for any double trouble game with the new twist that you have a choice of payout thresholds. Will your 2x bet end up after another 2x thus destroying your chances of winning or will it fall after an easily-satisfied 1.2x bet? Do you want a high chance of a low payout or do you want a low chance of a high payout?
Finally, 3% of all deposits will go to a special "jackpot" fund which will be payed to the very last depositor before time is up, sure to be a good return for some lucky bitcoiner.
Pool operator will take a 2% + 0.0005 BTC transaction fee per deposit. 3% of each deposit goes toward the jackpot fund, minimum deposit is 0.05 BTC, and as usual there is no maximum. Game will begin at approximately 19:00 UTC and will end at exactly 20:00 UTC. Just like a real pyramid scheme, anything left in the pot at the end of game is forfeit to the game operator. Deposit addresses for each tier as well as a link to the game spreadsheet and block explorer links will be posted at that time and will officially mark the moment when betting may begin. All deposits sent after the game closes will be returned to their respective owners minus the standard 0.01 BTC transaction fee (for the network, not for me).
Game ended with only one deposit, which will be refunded as a show of goodwill.