I have a bit of news/speculation about this scam. I just got this email:
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 10:16 PM, wac <waldo*******
00@yahoo.com> wrote:
Ok I have not run your script but what I can see while reading its sources I can see you are definitely a dedicated miner. I tell you what. You are speaking with a skilled software developer (
http://is.gd/KSGjLg) so ads posting is definitely not the job that I should do and not the best thing i can ofer you either. I know some OpcenCL/CUDA.
Now what if I tell you I could increase your mining capabilities to approximately 2x by just running a faster miner using an optimization that I saw while checking the source code of publicly available ones? I don't have it but I could have it.
Also I want to tell you that the script you are running is really not helping you. You need something more user friendly than that as you almost need to be a programmer to do all of that. Also ppl could see it as malware. I did a check right away just in case. I could help you with that by building a more advanced robot. That one is way too much manual. I know you need some intelligence to post the adds but not for all the steps.
Now regarding the US telephones take a look at this, is likely going to be useful to you:
They have there a virtual handset that can be used to have an US telephone capable of receiving sms. Don't know about voice calls. Let me know if what I mentioned to you seems interesting to you.
I edited the quote above to disguise his email address from spam bots (******* = alvarez) and hide the URL from Google. I also shrunk the uninteresting stuff and bolded the really interesting claim.
I was immediately suspicious, and thought of this thread. I became even more suspicious when I visited their website, and saw that he writes software to evade anti-virus programs. My suspicion hardened further when I saw this page:
http://is.gd/ihpQXb with its unclickable generic badges similar to the ones found on the scam site that started this thread (
I'm not claiming that Waldo or his friend created this wallet-stealing fake miner, just putting out the thought for you guys to chew on.
Here is my reply to his email:
Hi Waldo,
I'm satisfied with how my script works currently, but I am very interested in your claims about faster mining software. A 2x gain in mining speed would definitely be helpful!
Would you be interested in sending me your faster miner, and sharing in the increased profits?
Thanks - Let me know!
If Waldo is following this thread, you can probably guess what kind of reply I will get. If he tries to send me something to install, I'll post it here.