November 23, 2017, 10:22:44 PM |
I am fairly to this, only about 6 months. I have three mining rigs running now ( 2 with 4 gtx 1070 8 gb gpu, 1 with 4 amd 580 8gb) they are all running just fine. I built 4th rig ( with asrock h110 pro btc+ 13 card) I only have 6 gtx 1070 now on rig but I am trying to set up with only 1 card active at moment. my problem is the rig runs and can connect to ethermine.org but it keeps "rejecting shares" but it says connected. I have been letting it try to authorize shares for 4 days and still nothing. even after about 20 restarts. I directly cut and paste bat files from running rigs so I can not understand why it does not accept shares. I have increased virt. mem. to 16000mb. I have intel dual core processor , 16gb ram, scandisk 240 gb ssd, 2 evga 850 watt g3. I do not get why it will not accept shares. I do dual mine too if that makes diffence, eth/dcr . DCR says authorization null
my config file-
-epool us2.ethermine.org:14444 -ewal 0xD89B31F145f8dF42F5990dc1b6b4610062E0d08a -eworker OTF1 -epsw x -etha 0 -ethi 360,360,360,360 -mode 1 -tstop 82 -gser -allpools 1 -tt -80
my start file-
setx GPU_FORCE_64BIT_PTR 0 setx GPU_MAX_HEAP_SIZE 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_SINGLE_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool us2.ethermine.org:14444 -ewal 0xD89B31F145f8dF42F5990dc1b6b4610062E0d08a -eworker OTF1 -epsw x -dcoin dcr -epsw x -dpool dcr.suprnova.cc:3252 -dwal OTFminig.OTF1 -dpsw (password withheld)-allpools 1