The Sixteen Thousand Silent PartnersIt takes a large number of enthusiastic believers in the blockchain to power up a revolutionary business idea. Sixteen thousand, to be exact. These people are intimidatingly smart, all visionaries with titanium nerves to the last. They smelled a good idea a mile away, many of them from thousands of miles, and now hold the barometer of our success in their crypto-wallets. We want them to stay close and join Sether in this new venture. Here’s how we plan to work with them.
First, we confirm their expectations and deliver the Sether Alpha. Our developers are running at full capacity, the launch of the platform is scheduled for the beginning of February. A promise is a promise. The platform will permit the enlisting of influencers, agencies and entrepreneurs. The main marketing utility will be a data collection loyalty program, easing the introduction between our influencers and the brands testing the platform.