please.. for 72 hours it is hell to me
added your txt, if its urgent, contact me for paid.
Could you please accelerate mine?
added yours
Can you please add my transactions
They are stuck since the 13th of december
Thanks in advance
both fees are too low.
Help please been waiting for a few days
Thank you
Please see what you can do. Stuck for more than 48 hours.
Thanks a lot!
06d5695fb8e27093cdfde5dbe7b96562951b8e140c0b0d54dbdbb19a22c658df - Been stuck for 4days.
Thanks in advance.
submitted, however the fee is quite low. If urgent get in touch for paid.
Could you accelerate the transaction below? I'm waiting since 01/08/2018
. Thanks.
Transaction ID: 7892d397dc2738c117e8f91c48d5cf8fbb6404f50aabfc83977b85d932b6f893
https://chain.so/a/yiteoo8Sorry, your TXID doesn't exist
I added all qualified txids, however free accelerations cannot be fully relied on, the queue is very long. If needed urgently, contact me here:
Christopherbryant204@gmail.com . My paid service confirms transactions in a few hours.
Tipping Address; 13Vo4cQDGw8J7uTd6m6CjfxyLTqj9TVgRo - BTC or request an address for other coins.