Quite interesting Offer I must say but I have one question, Why is company giving us discount ? and what will be my reward? How Can I be sure that I will be able to sell my Bilur at 400% profit just after I receive them?
Your Question is valid. Let me clear that only first 2000 Bilurs sold will earn a return of approximately 400%, rest 8000 will earn around 25-30% return. The guarantee is that Bilur is already selling for around 400 USD( changing as per oil market price), This step of offering 10000 Bilur was solely taken to increase community size and participation, which in turn will increase volume of Bilur. This will help the coin when presenting to third party for using it in real transactions. Also the biggest guarantee is that, we only issue Bilur after purchasing Oil to back up its price. If you have any more questions, let us know. Thanks
Thank you for clearing that up, I will participate in the Offer. Best Of Luck