I have two Anker® Uspeed USB 3.0 10-Port Hub for sale. These are the black ones which have been out of stock on Amazon for a week or so.
http://www.ianker.com/product/68UPHUB-B10U Price is 0.5
BTC each, including shipping within the US by Priority Mail.
I will split them up if you only want one.
They both have been tested with 10 ASICMiner USB Block Erupters, and work great. These work flawlessly under Windows7 and Linux with CGMiner 3.1.1 and the COM Port Drivers. Newer versions of CGMiner with the WinUSB Drivers have issues with USB3.0 hubs. I'd bet the USB 3.0 hub issue will be resolved in a future version. These do NOT work with RaspberryPi.
Known escrow accepted (JohnK, CanaryInTheMine, etc) at buyer cost. Post here or PM me if you are interested. Thanks!