Wake up cause I'm having a nightmare.
Aren't you tired of opening 100 threads on how bad,evil,unusable,slow etc bitcoin is ?
We get it, you want BTC to collapse because you were stupid, you didn't buy at 250$ and now you're angry at everyone making money.
But the solution is not spreading FUD around here, you have no influence.
Seek medical attention, it will solve a lot more of your problems.
Yet another sign of the bubble, and proving the Greater Fool theory applies.
You are clearly incapable of understanding people can have different motivations then buying and selling your precious Bitcoin
The fool is the one who cannot manage risk. The golden secret with trading is not to invest more than you can afford to lose and always to
try to get back your initial investment capital. You start small, buy low and sell high. {take profits until you get your initial investment} Once
you reach ROI, then trade with the profits. I have already passed ROI and are playing with profits now. Bubble or not, I will never match my
profits from any other investment, with the profits that I made with Bitcoin. The ALL IN guys with no strategy, always lose money.