This service is to help you get into the Gaming Niche of related theme site, and my Coaching Services.
Example Themed Niche Pages: and In short: You pick the game/niche you'd like to make money from.. and I build the site and
theme around that game, and teach you some traffic strategies, and lets roll to make money.
These sites are tailored to get a user to sign-up for the newsletter in exchange
to reveal the coupon code for the game-purchase at a discounted rate.
We are targeting an audience of gamers who haven't bought the game, and are searching Google for Coupons or
Discounts of some sort, in which, our partnership platform I am apart of will provide a coupon code for
them to save a % off the game, in addition, you get rewarded for up to 12% commission as a partner.
How To Get StartedChoose the game you want to start selling, and I'll make you the theme page, and get you
connected as an Affiliate selling that game at MUCH lower prices than Amazon or Steam Stores.
What am I proposing here? I need a few soldiers to help kick-start these communities. Each person involved will be allowed to pick an available game to
sell through a similar platform. All you need to do is invest into the site files/script, in all fairness, to help keep it exclusive to
it per game niche. You will not be competing with other niche, as each one of us is assigned to one game only.
Hosting will be provided by me, and you get FTP/CPANEL access
Price to get started is 1 BTC per niche/game theme. I will be the one to fully get it launched and ready for you.
Next, I will work on getting you approved through the system to start earning commissions.
I'll point you in the right directions on what to do to generate traffic, and the rest is yours!
The goal is to work together, as a team, and earn money from each sale.
I will be registered as a COACH in this process, so that I won't cost you any commission. You earn the full thing!
Pick a game below. A Site will be built for Your selected niche: - Remember Me
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn
- Resident Evil 6
- BioShock Infinite
- Defiance
- Dead Island Riptide
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown
- Star Trek
You aren't getting the game for free or anything. Except for Hosting, will be handled by me, and installation is free from me.
I will make the site for you, similar to for the game theme you want to start in.
How To Reserve The Game + Site + ThemeSimply reply with "Remember Me @ 1 BTC"No Duplicates! Once someone takes that game, it is now there theme, and must pay 1 BTC
within 12-24 hours of purchase, as game will be relisted as AVAILABLE for grabs.
Good luck all! and start reserving the game you want a theme on so you can start making money.
Once payment is received, you are ready to rock on! We'll work side by side on Skype to get you started.
PM ME for any questions.. otherwise ... follow this post example:
How To Reserve The Game + Site + ThemeGAME NAME HERE @ BTC 1.0