Even though it says that the pool closed connection remotely, I guess it could still be due to networking problems on your side? Can you check your network, whether the adapter in the rig works ok, the cable is alright and the router is functioning correctly?
This is also a valid question to the pool support. Run the miners with logging enabled and then contact the pool and send them relevant parts from those logs, asking why this could be happening. Maybe there's something in your miner's configuration that the pools don't like.
I double checked the cable and the router twice, I even have a second miner on the same network and it doesn't have the same problem.
I don't know if maybe the ethernet port came defective
The cmdline you use to start your miner would help to see if there is any odd parameter.
Are you sure also that you execute the miner as admin ?
Check also if the process hasn't been locked out by Windows Defender.
I disabled the Windows Defender
My cmdline is
set executable=EthDcrMiner64.exe
set commandline=-epool eth-us-east1.nanopool.org:9999 -ewal myewal.rigname/myemail -epsw x -mode 1 -ftime 10 -dcri 9
@heavyarms1912 helped me on that one.
Right now I'm not dual mining until I solve that problem and I'm only using one GPU
I think I will reset the MoBo BIOS, reinstall Windows and start over again.