what is the uniqueness of your project? which country is your main market?
We have working TaxFree4U app that provides the service in the following countries:
United Kingdom
Mobile Bank4YOU
Best fin-tech specialists have been developing our app.
Bank4YOU app can be downloaded in App Store (Apple) and
Play Market (Google).
Thanks to the careful application testing on different target
groups we created the application,
which can be effortlessly used by customers
You can download the application at this link:
https://itunes.apple.com/ua/app/bank4you/id1069036395?l=ru&mt=8https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.bank4you.clientBank4YOU Group’s ‘Mobile Money Remittance System’ will set a new trend in international money transfers
and will contribute to the creation of fast, convenient, and secure money transfers worldwide.
The mobile app will also enable financial inclusion for people who are in desperate need of easy access to
financial services in countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It would also lead to new opportunities
for businesses, financial institutions, and mobile network operators to use crypto currencies.