I don't think that the price will crash after this $10,000 level. If hodlers decides to sell their coin at this price that will cause the crash there are still investors who are waiting for the price to go down on a specific level and once their investments goes in then the price of the coin will recover again. That happened earlier when the price of the coin crossed the $10,000 level it even went up to $11,300 but there was a correction down to $9,800 but we can see right now that the price return to the $10k level that only means that there are too many people who are investing in bitcoin and they are watching the price.
Dips indeed get bought up, which we can thank the strong general demand for. It's almost surreal to see how the market has changed so much in quite a short period of time. Now we have Nasdaq planning to list Bitcoin futures in 2018, it adds even more demand that will translate into an even higher price in the coming few months. I am largely interested to see how this institutional capital will impact this market's volatility. The general view is that their capital will slow down Bitcoin's volatility by adding the needed liquidity, which is something I can definitely agree with, but I'm realistic enough to know that it's easy talking in theoretical terms. I guess we have to wait to find out what happens, when it actually happens.