Hello, I am seeking 3-6 developers to create a cryptocurrency that focuses on market capitilization and value to users. A white-paper has been drafted that you can look over if you are interested in the project.
This will be a hybrid of ASIC Algo / GPU Algo / PoS / and our own sub-system for distribution, which would be explained. So far once the project has been looked over and considered worthy for developers time and effort, we would like to launch a small (USD$ Capped) ICO, enough to pay up to 6 developers $50-100k for a year, and then the developers would be paid as much as 10-20k$/yr on a part time basis for the subsequent 5-10 years for maintaining the project.
The launch would be fair, and we would not "premine" any coins for ourselves and instead would only distribute 0.325% of the total lifetime coin supply in the ICO and bounties.
The technical aspect of where the value of the coin will come from will be multi-fold, include the diverse ways to earn (and secure) the coin, our new distribution system which is much more like simulated/virtualized mining than any PoS or Master Node coin today, our scalability (<11% energy cost of BTC), true limited supply, fees minimized, larger block sizes, faster block times, and much more.
We are looking for primarily C++ developers, but GOLang and Python developers are welcome to get in touch.
If interested - do not PM (I do not check here often) - Email
TechniumUnlimited@gmail.com - Thanks!