What is the purpose of EDUCATE?
We want to bring the blockchain to education. We aim to help provide education-seekers with everything they need to guide them in the right direction so that they can further their education without the hassle. Education Token aims to provide a message board where students can reach out to other students in order to listen to their experiences, read their reviews on professors, schools, or courses. The ultimate goal is to provide tuition assistance to those who can’t afford the proper education. Whether the assistance is in the form of EDUCATION TOKENS, scholarships, or guiding students on where they can receive financial aid, we hope to do it all!
After reading this part I still don't know why you want to bring the blockchain to education.
How will you reach your goals in the long-term?
We plan to reach out to universities and introduce them to EDUCATE. We already have some contacts to universities. Also, we will build our website and establish ourselves as a part of university education worldwide. Remember: Education is a worldwide thing and therefore there's a huge potential for us.
Care to explain why you are better than your worldwide competition?
Why would I invest in EDUCATE?
Thanks to our skills, we expect to progress fast with this project. Our expertise in the most important fields, united with our determination, will surely lead us to success. This is a great opportunity for you to invest before this really takes off.
Surely this night I won't see the sun, the road to success it's never a sure thing.