I really don't mean to thread hijack here but I could really use some help setting up my computer to mine Litecoins and I can't seem to send messages or maybe I'm just not seeing where I can do this. I hear there are places where I can find ideal reaper.conf and litecoin.conf settings for my specific setup somewhere in this forum but I can't seem to find that either

If I just told you that I have a Phenom II X6 1100t and Radeon HD 6950 would you be able to just give me good settings? I guess trial and error on my part could work but I haven't even started mining yet so I have to start with that first haha
I would firstly start reading some guides but you will need cgminer
https://github.com/ckolivas/cgminerI had a lot of problems with my ATI 6950 and needed to downgrade to drivers 11.1 before either guiminer or cgminer would work at all. i'd get constant errors. But really, its not worth using GPU's to mine bitcoins anymore AFAIK, you simply burn through more power than you gain in money.
As i mentioned in OP i was getting around 330MH/s. with the difficulty variable being 21million+ right now (and rising), that meant after ~ 24hours I got a measly ~0.60AUD IIRC. far from worth it. I could have done ANY monotonous 2nd job for that... even delivering pamphlets, newspapers, or washing windscreens at the lights would be better off.
With the entry of ASIC dedicated chips, GPU's are on the out. Seem to still be people using multi GPU machines but running a single Radeon 6950 like you propose? its simply not worth it.