We are looking for some great team members and advisers for an upcoming ICO for the Jeengle Platform.
Jeengle is a decentralized social crypto trading platform with mobile and web based applications, where Investors (Beginners alike) copy trade from highly proficient Crypto traders using their market analysis and provided signals to make crypto trade decisions. Also, traders can develop profiles where their trades can be copied whilst they earn from the subscriptions.Also, Users can manage and operate all their exchanges’ accounts from within the application from
their smartphones (By providing their Exchanges’ API with the application, all their data is
automatically synchronized)
You can get full details of the Project from our Whitepaper. (Link provided below).
We need to fill out these key roles on our team and are looking for those who are interested.
we cannot pay upfront, the team will share in the team reserved tokens.Look forward to hearing from you!
Positions needed:
Lead Developers(iOS, Android and web client)
Project Manager
Web Development
Whitepaper Design
Ethereum Smart contract Dev
Community and Social media Manager
Current team members:
Founder/CEO- Mohd Feroz
Content writer- Ana Calton
Web Dev- Damilare Isaac Oyekola
Legal Lawyer
Advisor- Igwilo Stanley Dantes
Advisor- Marlon Muthiani
We want to know your views on the project. Therefore, we implore you to check the whitepaper and website and also, join the discussion and share your feedbacks (Link below).
Please let us know how we can make this project better and also, if you would like to invest and support the project.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Team Jeengle
Find below the links;
Telegram Discussion Group: t.me/jeengle
White paper(draft):
https://jeengle.com/jeengle-admin/uploads/file/jeengle_whitepaper_v14.pdfwebsite(under development):
www.jeengle.comApp prototype(under development): marvelapp.com/55f8gdd
Android app(prototype): play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jeengle.crypto