The following is my coin's conf:
Below is my for mmcfe-ng:
// Make sure we are called from index.php
if (!defined('SECURITY')) die('Hacking attempt');
// Our include directory for additional features
define('INCLUDE_DIR', BASEPATH . 'include');
// Our class directory
define('CLASS_DIR', INCLUDE_DIR . '/classes');
// Our pages directory which takes care of
define('PAGES_DIR', INCLUDE_DIR . '/pages');
// Set debugging level for our debug class
define('DEBUG', 1);
// SALT used to hash passwords
* Database configuration
* A MySQL database backend is required for mmcfe-ng.
* Also ensure the database structure is imported!
* The SQL file should be included in this project under the `sql` directory
* Default:
* host = 'localhost'
* port = 3306
* user = 'someuser'
* pass = 'somepass'
* name = 'mmcfe_ng'
$config['db']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['user'] = 'user';
$config['db']['pass'] = 'password';
$config['db']['port'] = 3306;
$config['db']['name'] = 'mmcfe_ng_db';
* Local wallet RPC configuration
* mmcfe-ng uses the RPC backend to fetch transactions, blocks
* and various other things. They need to match your coind RPC
* configuration.
* Default:
* type = 'http'
* host = 'localhost:19334'
* username = 'testnet'
* password = 'testnet'
$config['wallet']['type'] = 'http';
$config['wallet']['host'] = 'localhost:8336';
$config['wallet']['username'] = 'esuncloud';
$config['wallet']['password'] = 'x';
* API configuration to fetch prices for set currency
* Explanation:
* mmcfe-ng will try to fetch the current exchange rates
* from this API URL/target. Currently btc-e and coinchoose
* are supported in mmcfe-ng. If you want to remove the trade
* header just set currency to an empty string.
* Default (
* url = ``
* target = `/api/2/ltc_usd/ticker`
* currency = `USD`
* Optional (
* url = ``
* target = `/api.php`
* currency = `BTC`
$config['price']['url'] = '';
$config['price']['target'] = '/api/2/ltc_usd/ticker';
$config['price']['currency'] = '';
* Automatic payout thresholds
* These values define the min and max settings
* that can be entered by a user.
* Defaults:
* `min` = `1`
* `max` = `250`
$config['ap_threshold']['min'] = 1;
$config['ap_threshold']['max'] = 250;
* Website specific configuration settings
* Explanation:
* title : Website title used in master template
* name : The pool name, displayed in the header and mails
* slogan : A special slogan, also displayed in the header below name
* email : `From` addresses used in notifications
* theme : Theme used for desktop browsers
* mobile : Enable/Disable mobile theme support
* mobile_theme : Theme used for mobile browsers
* Defaults:
* title = `The Pool - Mining Evolved`
* name = `The Pool`
* slogan = `Resistance is futile`
* email = ``
* theme = `mmcFE`
* mobile = true
* mobile_theme = `mobile`
$config['website']['title'] = 'The Pool - Mining Evolved';
$config['website']['name'] = 'The Pool';
$config['website']['slogan'] = 'Resistance is futile';
$config['website']['email'] = '';
$config['website']['theme'] = 'mmcFE';
$config['website']['mobile'] = true;
$config['website']['mobile_theme'] = 'mobile';
* Re-Captcha settings
* Please read for details
$config['recaptcha']['enabled'] = false;
$config['recaptcha']['public_key'] = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_RECAPTCHA_KEY';
$config['recaptcha']['private_key'] = 'YOUR_PRIVATE_RECAPTCHA_KEY';
// Currency system used in this pool, default: `LTC`
$config['currency'] = 'LTC';
// Default transaction fee, added by RPC server, default: 0.1
$config['txfee'] = 0.1;
// Payout a block bonus to block finders, default: 0 (disabled)
// This bonus is paid by the pool operator, it is not deducted from the block payout!
$config['block_bonus'] = 0;
* Payout sytem in use
* This will modify some templates and activate the
* appropriate crons. Only ONE payout system at a time
* is supported!
* Available options:
* prop: Proportional payout system
* pps : Pay Per Share payout system
* Default:
* prop
$config['payout_system'] = 'prop';
// For debugging purposes you can archive shares in the archive_shares table, default: true
$config['archive_shares'] = true;
// URL prefix for block searches, used for block links, default: ``
$config['blockexplorer'] = '';// Link to blockchain information, used for difficulty link, default: ``
$config['chaininfo'] = '';
// Pool fees applied to users in percent, default: 0 (disabled)
$config['fees'] = 0;
// Pool target difficulty as set in pushpoold configuration file
// Please also read this for stratum:$config['difficulty'] = 21;
* This defines how rewards are paid to users.
* Available options:
* fixed : Fixed value according to `reward` setting
* block : Dynamic value based on block amount
* Default:
* fixed
$config['reward_type'] = 'fixed';
$config['reward'] = 50;
// Confirmations per block required to credit transactions, default: 120
$config['confirmations'] = 5;
* Memcache configuration
* Please note that a memcache is greatly increasing performance
* when combined with the `statistics.php` cronjob. Disabling this
* is not recommended in a live environment!
* Explanations
* keyprefix : Must be changed for multiple mmcfe-ng instances on one host
* expiration : Default expiration time in seconds of all cached keys.
* Increase if caches expire too fast.
* splay : Default randomizer for expiration times.
* This will spread expired keys across `splay` seconds.
* Default:
* enabled = `true`
* host = `localhost`
* port = 11211
* keyprefix = `mmcfe_ng_`
* expiration = 90
* splay = 15
$config['memcache']['enabled'] = false;
$config['memcache']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['memcache']['port'] = 11211;
$config['memcache']['keyprefix'] = 'mmcfe_ng_';
$config['memcache']['expiration'] = 90;
$config['memcache']['splay'] = 15;
* Cookie configiration
* For multiple installations of this cookie change the cookie name
* Default:
* path = '/'
* domain = ''
$config['cookie']['path'] = '/';
$config['cookie']['name'] = 'POOLERCOOKIE';
$config['cookie']['domain'] = '';
// Disable or enable smarty cache
// This is usually not required, default: 0
$config['cache'] = 0;