The part with the stats you mention is blinking for me too, this seems to happen with high aggression and when it updates to new values.
You should try the latest version with the latest Phoenix 1.7.3 and
it would be great to get some speed reports in here.
I have to say I'm a bit disappointed at least with the feedback to this release, not to mention simply nothing is coming in ... even if this version is NOT faster for some, it took many hours to do it and it's not satisfying that way. For me the current version IS faster than phatk2 with 6550D and the difference is huge, I don't understand why this seems to be not the case for any other user here. Guys please use 12.1a with Phoenix 1.7.3 and the settings mentioned on page 1 in this thread. If you complain that it's not faster only do this with some system infos like SDK, OS, driver, card, Phoenix version and used command switches, thank you!
Edit: You can also post the contents of the Phoenix window here.
[14/01/2012 14:43:18] using PyOpenCL version 0.92
[14/01/2012 14:43:18] checked nonces per kernel execution: 67108864
[14/01/2012 14:43:18] using VECTORS2, resulting global worksize is: 33554432
[14/01/2012 14:43:18] using local worksize of 128 (HW max. is 256)
[14/01/2012 14:43:18] cl_amd_media_ops ext. found - BFI_INT enabled
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] Finding inner ELF...
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] Patching inner ELF...
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] Patching instructions...
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] BFI-patched 472 instructions...
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] Patch complete, returning to kernel...
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] Applied BFI_INT patch
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] Phoenix v1.7.3 starting...
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] Connected to server
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] Server gave new work; passing to WorkQueue
[14/01/2012 14:43:19] New block (WorkQueue)
[14/01/2012 14:43:21] Server gave new work; passing to WorkQueue
[66.19 Mhash/sec] [0 Accepted] [0 Rejected] [RPC (+LP)]
Dia :-/