Hi guys,
I'm very interested in Bitcoins and I would like to invest about € 2000,00 which is $ 2900,00 in mining hardware.
I know its a risky business but this seems very interesting.
My location is in The Netherlands and I will be buying all the hardware at one company.
Could u please check my hardware and give suggestions?
http://i54.tinypic.com/154k9s1.png- 3 Machines, Every machine has 3x GPU
- The HDD's will be replaced with USB eventually. I would like to start first with Windows 7 because its a easy OS to maintain, I'd make a script for downtime notification.
- I would like a case so i chose the "In Win Maelstrom". I know its better for cooling without a case but the harwdare will be placed in a cool ventilated room.
- I will use riser cards:
http://cgi.ebay.nl/PCI-E-express-1X-to-16X-riser-card-extender-cable-/320717538179?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aac414383Total is about € 1750,00 which is $ 2500,00.