Firstly, I'll introduce myself. I go by epicCreations(.org) on many forums, servers, etc. and as you might imagine I own that domain, and run that website. I was the owner and manager of a Minecraft server until recently, and after hearing about Bitcoin I was quite intrigued. So far, I've got 0.001 BTC (not including the around 0.00001~ BTC collectively from CPU mining
) and I've got to say, the idea of Bitcoin is kind of thrilling, and interesting. I plan to use Bitcoin as a fundraising tool, and equip members of my former server with a primitive CPU miner (or a GPU miner on the offchance they have a powerful GPU) so they can help raise a little Bitcoin for a new VPS. It'll take a long time, I'm aware, but many of the members don't have the resources to provide for a new server monetarily, and that includes myself.
Additionally... I saw the topic "BIT-FU", and tried to report a bug I found, but it was in vain, as I can only post in the Newbies forum. I'll put the bug here in the offchance the OP of that topic finds it. The bug is a replication of the previous matches upon the pages refresh of the pending match invitations, I believe. I have an image here: can see that there is six matches in the screenshot, but I've only had 3 so far. Additionally, there is a cosmetic flaw there, as you can see that the name doesn't have an outline in the font/image...
Anyways, there's my brief introduction and my, uh, not very deep thoughts on Bitcoin. Thanks for having me, Bitcoin Forums.