First, hello I'm new here

I did some calculations on the table shown in Satoshidice:
It states, it will keep 1.9% house edge on most bets. If my calculations are right, this is wrong.I didn't bet until now, I want to know the correct values first.
Example:let's take the 50% odds for easy explanation: odds are 50%, wich is correct: 65536/32768*100=50
House edge should be 1.9%,
Price multiplier is given as 1.957x
Here I think, this is wrong.
On 0% house edge, I should get 2x on a 50% odds.
If I have to pay
1.9% house edge on both (my capital and winning) I should get:
2/100*(100-1.9) =
1.962x multiplierOr the other way around: given the
multiplier of 1.957x, the house edge calculates to:
100-(1.957/2*100) =
2.15% house edgeThe transaction fee isn't included in any calculations here.
Am I doing something wrong or is SatoshiDice bad in math? 
king regards,