XRP is 100% pre-mined and all is under control of OpenCoin. Isn't it ?
...and they're selling the "stamps" that allow people to send "packages" through their system.
I appreciate you trying to be objective about Ripple...
But the "stamps" metaphor was retarded and is out-dated by at least 6 months.
In addition to being a transmission network... Ripple is an exchange like the NYSE.
But while the NYSE exchanges stocks via USD...
This is difficult on Ripple because Ripple supports fiat, crypto, commodities, custom securities, anything...
So Rippple needs an internal currency to facilitate exotic exchanges...
Like to exchange Philipinnes Pesos for AK47 rounds via XRP...
Or to exchange Chinese SAM missiles for Viagra via XRP...
XRP is not fucking "stamps", baby.