Yes, The included fee is the problem because the network is really clogged up in the last few days and up until now (200K+ unconfirmed transactions!!) so the fees should be much higher than usual.
Confirmtx won't work, they're a fraud service which just resubmits transactions in another accelerators. A lot of people have been complaining that it doesn't work.
As for viabtc, They have a 100 transactions per hour limit so you have too enter your TXID once an hour starts XX:00:00 since the slots can be taken in justa few minutes.
Anyways, I'll do it for you (It's 6: 13 right now, I have to wait for 7:00). Meanwhile I've quequed your transaction in
Antpool to increase your chance.
EDIT: Done adding your transaction on viabtc's queue. It should be confirm within a few hours
EDIT 2: Viabtc included your transaction in block
498194. Solved, you can now lock this thread