People have done it, sometimes it works, but not always a great idea. I would advise moving your thread to this section. believe I've seen a few people buying/selling via mail order in the currency exchange section.
if I know how to move it lol ... also when you say "sometimes it works , but not always a great idea" explain?
I've seen deals go through like this, and both parties turned out happy, I've seen cases where someone would never send the BTC after recieving the cash, and I've seen people who claimed to have sent cash, and that either the seller is a scammer or the postal service lost the package, in an attempt to pressure the seller into giving them some sort of compensation so they can keep their credibility. There also is the possiblity that the postal service actually does lose the cash, or an employee steals it, so if you are going to start doing this, I'd write up some very strict TOS, like how money must be sent, whether or not it has to be insured, what class mail (standard, registered, etc) and such.
I wish you luck, because it is a needed service, just make sure you protect yourself *tosses legal condom*