First of all, I want to say that this forum is a gold mine of information, so much so that it can be overwhelming to a newcomer like me to mining, so, thanks to all the folks out there that have shared their experiences.
I've been toying with the idea of mining for about 2 years now and only recently decided that I'm gonna hop in and give it a shot, so, here's what I've ordered:
Motherboard: ASUS B250 Mining Expert
Memory: 2 x 8GB DDR4 2400 Corsair modules
CPU: Intel G3930
AMD GPU: 2 x PowerColor RX580 Red Devil Golden 8GB
1 x Sapphire Radeon Nitro+ RX580 8GB
nVidia GPU: 2 x Zotac 1070 TI AMP Extreme 8GB
Case: Tanli Open Air Mining Rig Stackable Frame 14 GPU
T-Connect 6 pack risers kits
PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA 1600W G2
The motherboard I selected was based on a couple youtube clips I watched and thought it would provide longevity and expandabilty, hopefully the BIOS will be sorted out by the time I reach 19 GPU's being used.
The PSU I chose because:
(a) A forum member posted in here in another thread to go with EVGA G2 power supplies as they are rock solid, and
(b) 1600W because the ASUS manual recommends 3 x 1500W PSU's connected for optimal operation when max configuration is applied.
GPU's were selected based on another member here posting some links to BitsBeTrippin youtube channel, and these (Powercolor and Zotac) cards seem to be very good bang for buck (if you exclude the fact that they are overpriced anyway).
So, I'm hoping for members to comment on their thoughts/experiences with similar hardware and what I should be reading up on between now and the parts arriving (couple weeks delivery time). Things like bios mods to gain optimal performance would be appreciated.
The other issue, probably more importantly, is which OS to run, personally, I would like to run a linux variant, but I'm open to suggestions from people more experienced with this than I am.
I am fortunate enough to have Solar PV here at home too so, hopefully during the summer months it should cover the electricity during the day, if I manage to get a reletively decent power draw from the initial system.
I'm still up in the air as to which altcoin(s) to mine, but from reading the forums, it appears that ETH/XMR seems to be very popular, any suggestions here would be appreciated too, or links to posts even better.
Welcome to the of world mining. you have a nice choice of hardware
So, I'm hoping for members to comment on their thoughts/experiences with similar hardware and what I should be reading up on between now and the parts arriving (couple weeks delivery time). Things like bios mods to gain optimal performance would be appreciated.
for Nvida you just read on the proper clocks
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2054800.0for RX 580 bios mod is required
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1954245.0The other issue, probably more importantly, is which OS to run, personally, I would like to run a linux variant, but I'm open to suggestions from people more experienced with this than I am.
If I were you, start with the OS that you're most familiar with, then go play with other OS you want
I'm still up in the air as to which altcoin(s) to mine, but from reading the forums, it appears that ETH/XMR seems to be very popular, any suggestions here would be appreciated too, or links to posts even better.
A Profitability Calculator will always do with regards to your hardware