Newegg gift cards suspended? Why?
Unfortunately they have been nothing but hassle from the very beginning. We added them due to popular demand while our affiliate application was still in process because it was taking them so long to approve, but we wanted our customers to have access to what they wanted. In the end, they denied our affiliate application without explanation.
When we asked for explanation they replied "please note that we reserve the right to reject affiliates for any reason. If you have any other questions, let me know." We then asked for further clarification, and they have not answered in two weeks.
Beyond this, every time we have placed an order there has been nothing but hassles back and forth and back and forth trying to verify that we indeed placed the order. They seem to have a problem with the fact that we are ordering from outside the US, require that they call us to verify, and will not call us on an international number. We thought we finally had things worked out with a supervisor, but then the problem happened again and he said that he could not help this time.
Unfortunately, as there is a lot of popular demand for ordering through them, we are going to have to terminate Newegg orders until further notice because there are a lot bigger things coming with the site and I do not have the time to spend hours on the phone trying to get orders through on a daily basis, particularly when Newegg refuses to pay us as an affiliate for all the business that we have been sending them.