Thanks for answering. Also your site style is similar to Do you anticipate having similar feature as "woot offs" eventually? That could be fun!
Woot is the obvious inspiration for the site - and you ironically just missed our very first "Day of Deals" which is our version of a woot-off without completely ripping off the idea
It ran from Friday the 1st of Jul, through Saturday the 2nd from 12 noon to 12 noon EST. Our format was one product every 20 minutes over the course of 24 hours. We even had a freebie mixed in there which sold out within a minute - though I think in the future I will attempt the mystery bag style approach as well.
Had you checked the site out one day before you would have been in the middle of the "woot off"
The Android Set top box you mentioned was the product to follow all of that.
Oh and as of last night I have added a "side deals" section to the site which will serve as additional items that could either compliment the featured deal or are just additional mini deals. The side deals will always be under 1btc while the featured item will be of varying prices. Another addition includes the addition of a "past deals" section so people can see what they may have missed.