With EasyMTGox you can access MTGox from inside you own .NET Application!
In the Download is a Sampleapplication that shows nearly everything that can be done! (trader.exe)
http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~rimarc/wordpress/easymtgox-simple-net-api-wrapper-to-mtgox/Its as easy as a Hello World:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using EasyMTGoxNS;
namespace ConsoleApplication2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(”Lastprice:” + EasyMTGox.GetTickerData().LastPrice.ToString()+”USD/BTC”);
Console.WriteLine(”Input your username”);
string Username = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine(”Input your Password:”);
string Password = Console.ReadLine();
EasyMTGox EMTGOX = new EasyMTGox(Username, Password);
if (EMTGOX.IsConnectionFine())
Balance Balance = EMTGOX.GetBalance();
Console.WriteLine(”You have ” + Balance.BTC + “BTC” + ” and ” + Balance.USD + “USD”);
Console.WriteLine(”How many BTC do you want to buy?”);
string amount = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine(”Maximum price you want to pay per BTC in USD?”);
string price = Console.ReadLine();
EMTGOX.BuyBTCOrder(amount, price);
Console.WriteLine(”Something went wrong! Check Username Password and Internetconnection!”);
This little Programm shows the Last Price on MTGox and you can send an order to buy BTC!
All the API Functions are included! Get the DepthOfMarket, your open Orders, the Ticker, delet Orders!
Its not Freeware!!! You have to Pay 0.01BTC fee per Trade with a probability. Thats 0.01BTC in any case for 100 and more BTC trades.
If you send an Order over 50BTC you have to pay the fee with probability of 50%. If you trade 1 BTC, you have to pay the Fee with 1% and so on. You never have to pay more than 0.01BTC per order.
There are many Events that get trickert too, so you can write an Eventdriven Programm too. Everything that can be done Wthout an MTGox Account uses static functions.
I know, i have no reputation. But i can tell you, iam Hosting this Programm on the Webspace from my University. So i am not Anonym.
What do you think?