December 12, 2017, 12:17:42 AM |
As I do initial Blockchain download, the dates zipping by remind me of some important moments in my life that happened around same time when these blocks were created and transactions took place. The geeky nostalgic memories follow:
2009 winter-early spring. Late February or first dates of March maybe. Genesis block was created by Satoshi Nakamoto while I was drinking and driving my friends to sauna in neighboring village. My love of my whole life then danced naked while she was only 15 years old.
2009 spring. I was assembling Core2Duo computer that served me really good. Installed WinXP Pro SP3.
2009 mid June. I was celebrating midsummer. Fingered a 16yo gypsy girl while going back to home.
2009 September. Installed Windows 7 x64 Ultimate. I really loved this version of Windows, compared to XP and Vista.
2009 November. The Western Digital Velocirpator drive went bad. Lost my Win7 install. Reinstalled the OS to 1.5TB Seagate Barracuda drive.
2010 February. Reinstalled Win7 for various reasons. This install lasted till September 2012.
2010 spring. First heard about bitcoins in Frost messaging application running on top of Freenet. Joined Bitcoin forum, I think it was running on SourceForge domain back then. I took a nickname that represented then-curent theme of MysteryMiner.
2010 spring. I was seeking political asylum in Iran because of political persecution and possible imprisonment back in my homeland because of my anti-jewish beliefs. Instead ended up collaborating with Iranian secret services in cyberspace.
2010 mid June. I was celebrating Midsummer with my friend in his ranch. It was amazing!
2010 year. More hacking, hacking Bitcoins on unsecured wallets shared on P2P networks and other dumb configuration mistakes, leaving them open to whole internet.
2011. year. This was really low point in my life. The topless dancer that I fell in love in 2009 rejected my feelings. More drinking, then more hacking while sober and drinking lot of coffee, then more drinking and barbiturates till I fell asleep. Repeated this again next day. Again and again.
2011. The bitcointalk user Dank wanted to kill himself. Some dumbasses intervened and made him stuck in this world for few more years.
2011 maybe? I found out about Silk Road from this bitcointalk forum. I registered there. Helped the admin Silkroad in few security matters. Some time later I made good profit, doubling my bitcoins in real life money, making purchases and reselling items from Silk Road and sister site Armory. I was asked personal details as insurance to get promoted to senior staff. I refused to give my personal details, so I went free. Later some dude took over, going by name Dread Pirate Roberts. I can swear by my pants that he is different person than Silkroad I was contacting at the same time. Ross Ulbricht is not founder of Silk Road, as far as I can tell.
2012. This is the year I really took my life in my hands. Found a job that is hard and pays minimum wage. In parallel, while I was working for 400 USD a month, I was hacking high-security facilities and selling the dumped data for 2500 USD in piece. I wanted to get my loved topless dancer back, start family and usual shit young men dream about. Ended up being rejected again.
2012 mid June. Was celebrating Midsummer with my friend in ranch. I was metal detecting and digging up skeletons and explosives with my friend while being drunk. That was one of my best memories from that period in my life.
2012 25th of June. My friend hypnotized me while I was drunk. He hypnotized me to play World of Tanks. So the first thing I did when I returned to my desktop computer is to install World of Tanks and play.
2012 autumn. I understood that I was not getting the girl I love so much, my life is going to shit.
2012 early September. The Seagate Barracuda 1.5TB drive showed mechanical problems. It was time for replacement.
2012 September 28th. My computer was infected with virus. I was depressed and did not install required security patches. So I ended up having 0-day exploit sucessfully running against me.
2012 November. I sold most of my bitcoins for 5EUR each. Purchased new hard drive to install my new system. Then while the hard drive was purchased and upgraded DDR3 memory shipping was delayed while the package was stuck in New York due to that stupid storm Sandy, the mainboard of my Core 2 Duo system died.
2013 March. I was siting next to Pentium4 replacement computer with integrated video card. I was drinking like devil and watching the 2013. march blockchain split unfolding in real time.
2013 midsummer. Again I was celebrating with my friend in his ranch. No more metal detecting, but we got a lot of weed to compensate that.
2013 year. As my Core 2 Duo system was still not operational, got a Pentium 4 replacement from junk parts I collected. It was Socket 423 system that was maxed out, like 768 MB RAMBUS memory, 120GB RAID1 array, GeForce Ti4600 card etc. Only problem it took 1 month to do initial Blockchain download.
Year 2014. It was more shitty than previous years. But I got by accident a HP Pavilion AMD laptop that was faster than my Pentium 4 system. And it was portable.
Year 2015. I went to war in Ukraine as a volunteer. Surprising thing that the HP Pavilion survived the whole trip without any scratch. But my psyche was not that lucky.
2015 Septemer. As a completely changed person I returned to my homeland. Went to study.
2015 November. I was undergoing surgery and I was suspected to have cancer. I needed 2000 USD for medical examination or needed to wait 6 months in queue for government-sponsored examination. As I did not have money to have examination right now, I choose to wait. Back then I know it can be fatal to me.
2016 February. While under stress of study and impending death, I forgot my whole disk encryption password. Lost 5TB of data, large part of my digital life.
2016 year. Finally I got good news that I do not have cancer. Then I worked hard to get a Alienware laptop. It was dangerous, but still worth it.
2017 year. I went to work in Ukraine in IT sector. And also to find out what happened to my war comrades.
Now I am here. Drinking Champagne alone and being happy of the short and unfair thing called Life.