So this just happened about few hours ago. I played some on betcoin and got down to my last 0.44 mBTC.
I open a tourney and see that it says 1$ equals 0 mBTC to register! I obviously confused, registered, look at my balance again and it is the same! WTF right?!?!
So I guess some glitch happened where I was able to register for tourneys for free, due to the exchange ratio of 0.
I immediatly register all MTTs and go to the SNG lobby. There are a few 100$ hyper PLO8 heads up open, I open two. Lose one, win the other. Adrenalin. I look at my balance, but it is the same. I feel sad. I though this is the free money train
Play along for another couple of hours, bust 10th in momomo PLO 1k$ 6max, run deep in another couple tourneys and then support blocks my account, after I sent a ticket. Maybe I should not have. I mean, it s their fault in my view. Who would not have registered all they could?
Almost got free heaven moneys, but ended with a blocked account.