No matter how nice mining projects creators` intentions would be, most of them do it solely for money. At the same time, funding for a project`s organization is so limited and they try to come up with solutions on how and what they can save. Savings and thrift are good qualities, but when it comes to a start-up, the desire to spend as little money as possible can play a cruel joke. I often read about creators trying to install miners in ice mountain caves to save on cooling systems, acquiring equipment that uses natural gas to reduce energy costs. Most often no one thinks that servicing such ideas will be several times more expensive, but it`s, as they say, "not our business." The main thing for an investor is to find a project that meets all his requirements. Me… I`ve discovered MiningNow - Organizers don`t make up incredible ideas, but simply do their work well – they`re doing their best to make their investors earn on cryptocurrency.