Yesterday I registered and launched [ ]. I already have a Google+ community established called 'Bitcoin Innovators' which is where I had the idea to start up this new Bitcoin social platform. There are no ads, no fees and I am looking forward to adding new features and Bitcoin related content as the project grows. The site is not 100% finished however it is functional and well worth a look. You can check us out here.
http://bitcoininnovators.comFeatures:Forum section
Groups section
User created forums/groups [Public/Private/Hidden]
Administrate your own forum/groups
In Depth Profiles
Private messaging
No adverts
Modern Design
Member Activity Stream
User posts to blog [Coming soon]
User product listings [Coming soon]
Bitcoin Business Directory [Coming soon]
Earn 'coins' by posting etc... Not real coins but I do plan on making them redeemable in the future.
Forum Moderation:Scammers will be banned
Spammers will be banned
Trolls will be banned
Profanity allowed however insults and idiotic posts could result warnings on ban
Basically as long as you contribute in a positive manor to the community you wont have an issue
I recommend you register and take a look around, I will eventually get around to make a guide as there are a lot of features. I will be hosting this site myself and all support is welcome. Thanks.
Screenshot: July 18th